Gas Prices and Lazy People
Well, the gas prices have shot up 20 cents in the last two days. The average price here on Long Island is $2.60 a gallon for regular. No one is doing a damn thing about it because we, as a people are inherently lazy. We EXPECT to be able to drive our cars any damn time we please. We bitch and moan about the prices, but no one seems to want to do anything to change the problem."But what can I do?" people say. Well, first you can call (don't write, they throw the letters away) your congressman and state representative. Tell them that you are sick and tired of getting ripped off by oil companies who are making windfall profits off the backs of people who actually work for a living. Tell them that War Profiteering is illegal and as a legislator, it is their responsibility to put a stop to the outrageous oil company policies that drive the price of gas through the roof. That will take all of 5 minutes of your time (unless you get put on hold which is a distinct possibility). Now get ALL your friends to call them. Tie up the lines to their office with angry VOTERS. Make sure that you remind them that unless they get off their asses and DO something, come November, you'll be pulling a different lever. Tell them that you don't buy into the whole BS about being unable to do anything about what the Saudi's decide. Remind them that if it wasn't for US, the Saudi's wouldn't exist.
Maybe it's time that we DID have a War for Oil?
You could also remind them that we have lots and lots of oil right here in the U.S. That if we pull our heads out of our asses and start drilling in ANWAR, we could tell the Saudi's to pound sand. Personally, I'd prefer that we tell the Saudi's what we're WILLING to pay for their oil in return for letting them survive and continue to live in their little royal bubble.
Maybe it's time that we DID have a War for Oil?
You could also remind them that we have lots and lots of oil right here in the U.S. That if we pull our heads out of our asses and start drilling in ANWAR, we could tell the Saudi's to pound sand. Personally, I'd prefer that we tell the Saudi's what we're WILLING to pay for their oil in return for letting them survive and continue to live in their little royal bubble.
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