Monday, October 07, 2013

The End of America?

I started this blog a few years ago. The Current Administration wasn't even a blip on the radar and yet I STILL knew that America was in deep trouble. Then came the Organizer from Chi-Town. An absolute NOBODY who somehow (with a lot of help from the media) managed to win the nomination over seasoned politicians. Barack Obama didn't have a chance...

Wait a moment while I hold my sides laughing.

Alright, this is all old news. No one cares, he got elected by hook and by mostly crook and served his first 4 doing his level best to break down any semblance of societal norms. And we all know that there were enough manipulators and stupid dishonest people in the country to ensure that he got a second term.


It's quite clear that the press is terrified of him Their once "golden boy" who was so 'clean, and spoke so well' is now revealed to be a snarling tyrant who will get his way regardless of law or decency. Reporters are insulted and arrested and intimidated by the government to the point that they can only report "Good Things" about Obama and his henchmen. Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode in which the little boy with special powers sent people off to the corn field after they irritated him. If you didn't agree with every single word, he'd turn you into something horrible. In the same way, Obama is turning America into something horrible. Something that is going to be very difficult if not impossible to rectify.

And now, it's time for me to bash the people on "Our Side" Let's start with the "Patriots". OK, you're all a bunch of idiots. Not for being Patriots, but for blabbing your "Patriotism" on all the Social Media sites, showing off the photos of your guns and ammo, your hideouts/hideaways, your survival stores and more. Didn't ANY of you ever take a course in strategy? Do you not think that you, by advertising your weapon stores, your preparations and your ideology for all the world to see, that you aren't now listed on a very special watch list? Do you think that "if the "Shit Hits The Fan" that you're not the FIRST people to get a visit from the Re-education Squads (also known as Death Squads...yes, believe it).? And what are you going to do? Return fire when there is a Fully Armed Contingent of Military at your front door? So how quick do you want to die? And one more thing...It's likely that you'll do NOTHING at all. Because when Katrina blew through New Orleans, the Police, aided by the National Guard, went door to door in a CLEAR VIOLATION of the Constitution, and confiscated EVERY SINGLE FIREARM they could find. Arresting and dragging out of their PRIVATE RESIDENCE'S, CITIZENS who balked or hesitated in turning over their LEGALLY OWNED FIREARMS. Not a shot was fired.

And you "Oath Keepers". What are you all about REALLY?*. Sure, Send us some money, for your Membership card, your pin and your pocket constitution (8 pack for only $14.00) and we'll make you a member too. We're here to STAND UP AGAINST TYRANNY!. Really? Where? When? How do you propose to accomplish your goals and WHEN do you intend to do so? AFTER Martial Law is declared? Give me a break. And NO, I DON'T want your Bumper Sticker or any other item that might identify me as opposing the tyrannical government. I'd much prefer to lay low and devise my own method of resistance.

* My original posting was inappropriate and I wanted to retract that statement and apologize. It was a large over-reach to make a point. I handled it Ham-Fisted to be sure. I know a ton of "Oathkeepers" and they are decent men and women. My point that I was getting at, was that there is massive evidence of ALL the things Oathkeepers say they are unwilling to permit, but what I see is more and more evidence of the militarization of the Police Department and the trampling of the Constitution under guise of "Security", and Less evidence of any "Oathkeeper" intervention. So I guess my statement SHOULD have been "WHERE THE HELL ARE THE OATHKEEPERS?  


Peter King.. The Original Zelig

And your Representatives don't get a pass either. For the most part, every single politician is a coward and a disgrace to the office they hold. They have abdicated their responsibilities to the public, they have violated their oath's of office and collaborate with a regime that is steamrolling over the Constitution and our God Given Rights in an attempt to transform this country into a bastion of Marxist/Communist oppression. NO you have no right to be in office. You ignore your constituients, you pander to the lowest common demominator and you are all, for the most part, vile parasites. My Representative Peter King (who parades himself as a staunch "Conservative" is one of the worst offenders. In a recent interview, he stated that while over 905 of the calls to his office were in support of DEFUNDING OBAMACARE, HE was going to vote to fund it anyway. Did he forget why he was elected? You BET HE DID. See you Pete. Hope you werent' planning on a Presidential Run.

I'd vote for a COMMUNIST before I'd vote for Pete King. At least with the Communist, I KNOW what I'm getting. Pete King? The Chameleon of Politics. But it's not just King, it's MOST of them. Slimy, Smarmy, Egotists who believe that THEY are smarter than YOU. They're wrong aren't they? Or perhaps, they're right?

You can't wait for it all to fall apart to rebuild it. You NEED to get off your ass and work to remove this cancerous infection that has pervaded the U.S. Government. VOTE THEM OUT. If that's too hard for your, then do yourself and everyone else a favor. SHUT UP ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE, WHAT YOU'LL "DO", and WHAT YOU KNOW.

The Government banks on citizens who like to talk. It makes their job MUCH easier.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

4 More Years, or 8?

I’m too busy.

Forget about 4 more years, I don’t recognize this country NOW.

Hard to believe that these cute gals are working to destroy the country right?

I keep hearing people say “In 4 more years we won’t recognize this country". I have a flash for them, I don’t recognize it NOW. The society has taken a nose dive and (hold on to your hats here), I don’t blame Barack Obama. Far from being the cause of the decline of the United States as a world power, a cultural leader and a moral compass on planet earth, he is simply the end result of 100 years of ‘progressive activism and socialist/communist gameplan. Barack Obama is what you get when you throw away common sense, personal responsibility, moral beliefs, work ethic and regard for the truth. What else would you expect when there is a nearly 50/50 split in the United States with half of the citizenry believing that the government OWES them something and the other half screaming about intrusive government, draconian taxation, erosion of privacy and personal freedoms and accountability?

I don’t blame the liberals, they are DOING their job and doing it far better than any conservative, libertarian or republican could even think of doing. “WELL, conservatives are too busy WORKING and earning a living to get involved”. Ever hear that one? That’s answered with “WELL, if THAT’S the case, then you don’t have a thing to complain about. After all, it’s not important enough to take an HOUR out of your week to go pull a handle on a voting machine, or fill in the little circle on a ballot?” Please forgive me while I go over here in this corner and puke.

We conservatives must be too busy to call the networks and demand that they provide actual NEWS and not just the “party line” which they have been doing for about the last 50 years. How else could an administration so culpable, so responsible for hundreds of deaths of innocent citizens, both in this country and abroad (remember Fast and Furious?) be so completely protected and shielded by the press?

 We’re probably also too busy to call the networks and tell them that adding filth and perversion to our television fare isn’t what we want. Now before some of you think that I’m some prude or bible thumping evangelical, let me assure you that I’m not. I have my own personal issues with organized religion, and while I believe in God (which automatically makes me an enemy of the state), I’m not so keen on the “Sunday go to Meetin’” habit. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT (no pun intended), I’m really getting sick and tired of turning on a TV show to be bombarded with sexual situations that are beyond the pale. There used to be a form of writing that could inject sexuality via innuendo, or clever double entendre’s, but evidently, in the last 50 years or so, people have become so stupid (stupid, NOT Ignorant, please see my explanation of the two elsewhere) as to not be able to discern the joke unless it’s spelled out right there in front of them.( I'm purposely ignoring cartoon shows as they deserve a blog of their own).

I wish they (the networks) would let writers create a show that was bright and funny and didn’t need to dip into the gutter to be successful. Case in point, I really enjoyed the show “Two Broke Girls”. The premise is that a socialite loses her fortune when her father is sent to prison (of course, he’s an evil capitalist) and she’s forced to take an apartment with a wisecracking street smart girl who gets her a job in a local Brooklyn diner. So far so good. The plot lines are funny, but lately, I detect an ugliness that is creeping into the show and it just annoys me to no end. The formerly hip street smart girl is now revealed to be a slatternly, drug addicted, zero morals whore who is doing her best to convert the “naïve” and relatively innocent socialite to her immoral level. Counselling her to do “Anal” on a first date so as to keep the prospective boyfriend “interested”. Anal? Really? Prime time? 

Faux Gay Couple. Guy on left, Gay, Guy on Right, Not so much.

And why is it that on nearly ever single show on TV we have to have “the Gay Friend” or the “Gay Couple”. Always either cleverly wisecracking or woundedly sensitive or profoundly sage, the gay cast member is becoming a staple that seems to be necessary to complete cast requirements for any new show on the air. Sorry, I’m not a hipster, I don’t have 753 gay friends, I don’t think Elizabeth Taylor had 753 gay friends, I have a gay friend who doesn’t have 753 gay friends, so where are all these gay’s coming from, and how to they all get TV gigs? Well, and here’s a dark little secret, there AREN’T that many gays in Hollywood evidently, or at least not enough who can act. Proof? Well the TV show Modern Family sports a clever cast that features a gay couple played by one gay actor and one straight actor. I know, playing against your type is an acting challenge, but really, do you not have a single extra REAL gay actor to fill the role?? Evidenly not because  again, in a recent episode, guest star Ferris Bueller…er, Matthew Broderick played a gay fellow who gets mistakenly involved with the straight father (regular cast member) in what I am sure everyone at the script meeting thougth was a riotously funny scene.

So in all of Hollywood, they couldn’t find a REAL gay guy? NO, and because they aren’t concerned with gay rights, they’re concerned with pushing the gay agenda. What’s that? It’s the agenda that says “If you don’t Accept and Promote Gay and Lesbian and Transgender lifestyles, you are a hateful bigot and need to be shunned”. THAT’S the point. Personally, I don’t care if you’re gay or a lesbian (isn’t that the same thing?) or even if you think you’re in the wrong body. Just don’t push it into my face and we’ll all get along just fine. The minute you tell me I HAVE to accept this as normal, you lose me. The minute you promote this to all as the “way things are” you lose me. It’s NOT the way things are.  Gay Marriage? Another trick of the left. Do they really give a shit about gay rights? NO, not in the least. But what they DO care about is weakening the standards of organized religion so that “Anything goes”. Their arguments don’t hold an ounce of water, and idiot legislators aren’t any help either. What would it cost to allow ANYONE to appoint ANYONE the keeper of their destiny should they become ill or incapacitated? Nothing. What would it cost to allow ANYONE to appoint ANYONE beneficiary of their insurance, their pension or social security benefits or other financial responsibility? NOTHING. I should be able to assign my benefits to whomever I please and the government should simply STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS. But it’s not that, it’s the institutions that ‘need to be torn down’ and if you think I’m overreacting or being paranoid, then you just haven’t been paying attention.

Snazzy Poster. Notice the work "PROGRESS" Sound Familiar?

The moral decay, the lessening of standards, the normalization of the abnormal are all parts to a puzzle that has been on the table for 5 generations. If you can desensitize the population to things that are positive and good, and healthy and normal, and get them to accept the opposite as the new paradigm, then you can ultimately control them and turn them into slaves. We’re heading there on the Autobahn, no speed limits now, nothing in our way. The ones who matter are all “too busy”.

Wait for the third term. Think I'm kidding? Ask this fellow;
Wendell Wilkie knows all about 3rd terms

Well sleep tight and get back to work. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Is there anything that will surprise you anymore?

Today's blog you get two for one. 
Don't pester me for more until I rest up. 

Well, well, well, What a nice looking fellow in the photo above. Too bad that he's dead. Killed by cowardice from his own administration. Dragged from his Embassy, beaten and killed by those practitioners of the Religion of Peace. Oddly enough on 9/11. What a strange coincidence! I mean, who on earth would have thought that the 11th anniversary of the destruction of the Twin Towers, the Attack on the Pentagon and the Crashing of flight 93 in that empty field (all three incidents caused by those practitioners of the Religion of Peace) would require any special precautions? Who indeed?

Did the administration think that it was "just another day"? Did no one, and I mean NO ONE in this administration understand that Radical Islam considers 9/11 their equivalent of Christmas? How about David Petraeus** resigns as a totally useless head of the CIA? (Well, how about Obama resigns as a totally Useless President of the USA?...Yeah, not likely is it?).

Was it so difficult to understand that attacks (which as I type this are still ongoing) on our embassies were and are a coordinated military operation? Are the reports that Embassy Marines were guarding with empty rifles? Whose head is going to roll for that? (answer: no one's) This administration DESPISES the military. They miss no opportunity to embarrass, humiliate and denigrate the greatest collection of human beings ever to walk talk and breathe, ALL members of the United States Military. How horrible it must be to have to be loyal to a commander in chief whose sole purpose is to destroy over 200 years of proud history and culture.
 There aren't enough electrons to write all the things that have gone on in this country in the last 4 years. There aren't enough psychiatrists on planet earth to analyze and determine why at this point in time, there are still hundreds of thousands of people who think that OBAMA is a great fellow, doing a bang up job and should be rewarded with another 4 years in order to accomplish his agenda of "Hope and Change". In a sane society, we'd be building new mental hospitals to house these delusional folks. Strap them down and put the salty sponge in their mouth and give them the 50,000 watts to clear their minds.

Instead, we see our press revere a man who will, if allowed, control every single aspect of society INCLUDING the press (although he already has accomplished that to a great degree).

Democrats have long been a relatively reasonable group. Sure, they are more liberal than a Republican, more apt to try to equalize society and the inequality between the haves and the have nots. None of that is necessarily a bad thing. But those Democrats of yore are fast becoming if not already become extinct. Replaced by rabid, radical leftists who despise and decry all that is good and meaningful in this country. These "progressives" (and Progressive is just a code word for COMMUNIST) Hate God, Hate Hard Work, Hate Enterprise, Hate Success, and Hate America. The mindless drones who populate the party don't think a second and a half past the latest talking point. They are incapable of reasoned thought, incapable of seeing a logical progression to disaster based on their platform of TAX and SPEND, TAX and SPEND, TAX and SPEND.

16 TRILLION dollars in national debt doesn't affect them in the least. The fact that this is an IMPOSSIBLE amount of money to pay back bothers them not in the least. Their answer? MORE TAXES. It's been proven time after time after time, that if you taxed every single individual in America, if you confiscated ever single dime from every single corporation, tax everyone at 100% (you get to keep nothing), it wouldn't do a damn thing to solve our problem.

The problem is that our government has become a monster. It devours our cash, our resources, our treasure, our ambition. It leaves us empty, bare, bereft of hope and then tells us that we're selfish for not giving more.
It sends BILLIONS of dollars every year to countries that hate us, plot against us, betray us and kill our citizens and still it asks for more.

The corruption is so very blatant that they don't even bother to hide it anymore. Why should they? THe press won't hold them to account. Taking a voice vote and disregarding the reality of it so that the "pre-planned" agenda would pass? (Watch the video of the DNC convention one more time, just to see TRUE CORRUPTION in play). Do you think that they'll play it any differently come this NOVEMBER? How many dead people do you think vote Conservative? Yeah, that's what I thought too.

**Apologies to my readers. I incorrectly initially identified Leon Panetta as the Head of CIA. He was replaced in September 2011 by Former General David Petraeus. Mea Culpa! 

Part Two.
Free for all our regular subscribers

See this nice man? He wants to KILL EVERY JEW ON EARTH.

And when he's done with that, then he wants to kill you, your wife, your kids, your neighbors (except if your neighbors are practitioners of the Religion of Peace). But he is a realist, and knows that he has to kill all those damned Jews first. He wants a nuclear bomb. It makes killing Jews a lot easier and you can easily kill a whole lot of them quickly and at great savings. I mean, everyone wants to save a buck here and there right? Even Jews would understand that right?

See this man? He's a Jew and doesn't want the guy up there to Kill all the Jews.

His name is Benjamin Netanyahu and he's  been fighting scum like Ahmanidinajahd for  his whole life. Some people don't like him because they say that he's too strident. Well, if you live in a small country surrounded by millions of people who want to kill you like that guy above, I guess you might be a little strident too huh?
He wants to meet with President Obama in New York to discuss this problem of Iran and Ahmanidinajad's desire to kill every Jew on the Planet. He feels that, as a close ally of the United States, keeping his country  from becoming the second nation to get hit with a nuclear bomb is pretty important in the grand scheme of things. A meeting with President Obama would be pretty important to discuss strategies to keep Israel from becoming a glowing piece of glass in the Mid-East.

This is President Obama and his Very Important Friend.

President Obama can't meet with Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss preventing Ahminidinajad from dropping a nuclear bomb on Israel (in and attempt to kill every Jew on the Planet). He has a more important meeting with his very important friend David Letterman. You know that appearing on a late night talk show and getting to meet important celebrities, and have everyone think that you're just so friggin' cool and they all want to be your friend, and none of them ask you hard questions, or wonder about your policies, and believe every single word you say, well, you KNOW that that is MUCH COOLER than meeting with a grouch like Benjamin Netanyahu. Besides, Benji is a Jew and Obama knows that practitioners of the Religion of Peace don't much care for Jews, and even though everyone thinks that his buddy Letterman is a Jew too (he's not), Obama knows that Letterman would be spared by Ahminidinajad anyway, because he'd give him a spot on his late night show too. And Ahminidinajad would get to hang out with important celebrities, and have everyone think that he's just so friggin' cool and they all would want to be his friend and none of them would ask where all those damn Jews went anyway.

Man, it's just hard to believe that things are going so well for all of us.

Monday, April 02, 2012

The Power of Hate

Hate is a powerful emotion. It makes people do the most horrific things. Things that no right minded individual would ever consider to be "normal". But we're not living in right minded times, nor are we living in a time when "normalcy" seems to be able to be clearly defined. This isn't something that just sprang up overnight. Like a good stew, it has boiled and simmered and distilled itself into a poisonous brew that has infused itself into the American psyche. There was a time, when Democrats and Republicans disagreed on policy and had considered discussion to try to come to an agreement that was as palatable for both parties as possible. Now, the only thing that we see from our representatives is vituperative spew that is laced with lies, slander, fearmongering and hate.

Race Hustler's Al"Tawana Brawley" Sharpton and Jessie "Hymietown" Jackson
Idiot Florida Congresswoman Frederica "Hunted Like a Dog" Wilson

It's so ubiquitous that it has spilled over into everyday life. Much to the delight of the Race Hustlers and Socialists and the Alinsky-ites who rub their hands with great relish as they watch a once great country disassembling itself before our very eyes. They know that by fomenting hatred, mistrust, fear and lies, they can insinuate themselves into the mix and through careful manipulation, destroy America and then "Rebuild" it in their own twisted image of what a "Fair" society would look like. But they lie even to themselves (well, perhaps not, in the dark of their rooms where  they know that THEY will be the elite that they consider themselves to be while the rest of us become literal slaves to the central government. After all, the Government Knows Best (Isn't it interesting that the Acronym for that is GKB? Sounds kind of close to that "other ' three letter acronym that we all know).

Let's take a simple page from today's headlines. The Trayvon Martin situation. Here we have a young man who ultimately winds up dead at the hands of an Hispanic Block Watch Citizen. Initially, there isn't a bit of interest in the story. The Press, at the time of Mr. Martin's demise was busy selling the premise that the Republicans, Conservatives, and the Right were engaging in a "War on Women" because of the preposterous claims that 'We" wanted to take away contraceptives from women. When they discovered that the "War on Women" wasn't playing out and had no interest by anyone other than totally fanatical liberals, they knew that they needed to stir the pot in another direction. Enter Trayvon Martin and his 'Killer".

This was prima facie evidence of the racism rampant in America today. But WAIT! The Shooter was Hispanic! Oh Christ! (used in the "name in vain" vein) How can we spin this when the shooter is a member of another 'protected' class? I mean a Hispanic in Florida is as rare as a Jew in Borough Park. Obviously, the press needed to find a way to make George Zimmerman into the demon that they needed to focus the rage. Thankfully, George wasn't a TRUE Hispanic, he had a White Parent! So in the first time in the History of Journalism, a new term was born "WHITE HISPANIC". This was PERFECT! We can ignore his latin roots and focus on the fact that he had WHITE BLOOD coursing through is veins. And we all know that EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON LOATHES AND FEARS BLACKS (Or African Americans if you please).

So the jungle drums began to beat. (Yes, I'm quite aware of how "offensive" that might sound). Soon all the Race Hustlers and Pimps were on the move. Jackson, Sharpton, The New Black Panthers (same as the Old Black Panthers), Waters, the Idiot Congresswoman with the Circus Hats, Spike Lee and the Head Race Hustler of all, Barack Obama (who curiously, ALSO has WHITE BLOOD coursing through his veins...but I am of the understanding that it burns him as it does so).

The Head Race Hustler Obama said "If I had a Son, he'd look like Trayvon" - Really? He'd have a Grille and Gang Tats and a twitter page with the handle "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA?

Jackson said that there was a "War on Blacks" (obviously, the WAR on WOMEN was a flop, so we can just recycle it 'cause it's so POWERFUL.) Let's forget about the Black on Black Violence and Murder (because we can't make any money on the deal).

The New Black Panthers offered $10,000.00 for the "capture" of George Zimmerman who had gone into hiding after NOT being charged with any crime. Later, they upped the ante to $100,000.00, but not before the illustrious;

SPIKE LEE, famous movie producer and race card player extraordinaire MISTAKENLY GAVE OUT THE ADDRESS OF A 70+ Year old couple as that of George Zimmerman. The Couple had to flee their home due to death threats and thugs converging on their property.

Idiots in Congress dressed in Hoodies, regurgitated played out lies about the White on Black Violence in America and generally whipped up a frenzy that, while not yet abated, has already resulted in a number of shootings and deaths when the "community" gets together to memorialize poor old Trayvon.

We might say a word here about Trayvon as well, Despite a growing amount of evidence that little Trayvon
Innocent Trayvon?

(Oh what? He wasn't "little"...he sure looked little in those adorable photos of him that the press printed....Oh, they were 7 years old? Oh, and he looked like what?....I see) wasn't as clean as a whistle in the whole situation (911 tapes that clearly have the WHITE HISPANIC Zimmerman SCREAMING FOR HIS LIFE). No, Trayvon may have been a bad actor from the get go. But facts always get in the way when the Race Hustlers and Hate Mongers are on the job.

This will go to the Government for investigation. They will find that they need to Charge the WHITE HISPANIC Zimmerman with some crime or another. They will stack a jury so that facts will be disregarded, and old George (you know, that WHITE HISPANIC) will go away for a very long time. This way, the Race Hustlers, and Hate Mongers and their followers will be satisfied, much like the early Romans who needed to see those Christian's Eaten up by lions in the arena..

Yes, Hate is a powerful tool when used correctly. Ask Jackson, Sharpton or Obama. They are the EXPERTS. And just so we're clear, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The most dangerous people in America

The current crop of Republican Candidates is weak sauce for a Presidential Stew.

Here we are, scant months from an election that may be the most important in the 236 years that we've been a country. The Democrats are confident that Obama will be re-elected, and the Republicans are working hard every day to make sure that he is. Yes, you read that right. From my chair, all I see is rampant disarray in the Republican party. Candidates who are so devoid of personality as to be less exciting than a bowl of thin soup at the local old age home. Sure, you have Gingrich, the brilliant Historian who would easily destroy Obama in any debate. Unfortunately, reeks of sleaze. Hard to shake off the image of you giving your wives the hidey-ho as soon as they get some horrible illness. Women hate him and as you know, if women hate you, you're sunk as a candidate.

Romney just seems like a Democrat who stole a Republicans top coat. Look at his record in Massachusetts and I'll say no more. Ron Paul? Solid consrevative or true libertarian, but too far off on the edge to have any chance. Rick Santorum? Word on the street is that he's a real conservative, an honorable guy, scandal free and totally unelectable. So unless someone comes along out of the blue, it's a thin crowd that we have to choose from. The Cult of Personality will have its say, and again, from my seat, it looks like Romney is going to get the nod despite all the palaver about any of the other candidates, regardless of any gains or strides they may make between now and November.

Any one of these candidates could easily hand another 4 years to Obama and his band of radical miscreants. But are they the dangerous ones? Hardly. The most dangerous people in America today are AMERICANS. We're politically lazy (you bet we are), and easily misled by the mainstream media who will do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO RE-ELECT OBAMA. I have not met more than a hand full of people since Obama was elected who believe in him or think he's doing a great job. Virtually everyone I meet can't stand this administration. But did they vote in the last election? About 40% of them did. 6 out of ever 10 people I've met NEVER BOTHERED TO VOTE!!! Yes, that's a 3 exclamation point sentence. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Every excuse in the book. Too busy, Forgot, Not registered, My vote is meaningless, blah blah blah.

This country is on the verge of changing forever. It's changed so dramatically in the last 3 years that I simply do not recognize much of it as America anymore. We've allowed our children's future to be mortgaged beyond any possibility of being paid off. We've sacrificed numerous personal freedoms in the name of "Security". We've created a private army of poorly trained, arrogant, security troops who haven't the slightest idea of constitutional behavior and are increasing their numbers and powers every day, and no one says a word.

This is a pretty corny image isn't it? 
Sure, the eagle, the flag, the Statue of Liberty. All icons that are 'out of date" right?

We have an administration who behaves un-constitutionally, and EXTRA-Constitutionally and isn't called to account by a congress that is so ineffectual and corrupt that it has single digit approval ratings. When the President CLEARLY breaks the law and isn't stopped, then any pretense of separation of powers and the rule of law goes right out the window. If you ALLOW a tyrant to operate unopposed, then a tyrant will do just that. Congress works at the behest of the people. Evidently, the people aren't paying any attention and the people aren't calling their congressmen to tell them to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. When the congress acts in a way that is detrimental to the needs and desires of the citizens that they purport to represent and isn't held to account, then the PEOPLE have abdicated their role as citizens of the United States of America. When socialist radicals are placed in positions of power, and no one stands up to oppose them, then the PEOPLE have seeded their country to a tyrannical force that has only one thing on the agenda. To DESTROY the UNITED STATES of AMERICA as it was originally conceived. To remove the rights that have been guaranteed by our constitution since its inception and to impose a totalitarian regime that ultimately controls the lives of every citizen and effectively make them a slave.
Will 70 Million Catholics REJECT or RE-ELECT Obama?

Obama's plan to force Catholic institutions to provide abortion services and contraception to its employees is clearly unconstitutional. There are 70 MILLION Catholics in this country. Over 50% of them voted for Obama in the last election. Will they now rise up against this man who believes that he can FORCE an entire religion to accede to his view and disavow their religious teachings? Don't bet on it. Chances are that just before the election, Obama will capitulate and offer a waiver to the Catholic Church and its institutions as a gesture of his 'understanding" and "christian compassion". That OUGHT to be enough to convince the spineless throngs of Catholics that the sensitive and caring Obama is worthy of another 4 years. As a Catholic, I'm disgusted by the sycophancy of most Catholics, who claim to be living in Christ, but "gee, we need to make some accommodations to modern life."

Of course you'd never find a dictum from the administration forcing the Muslim religion to embrace the health benefits of pork now would you?

The Most Dangerous People in America are the PEOPLE in AMERICA. If they don't wake up, they are going to find themselves living in a totally different world. We have less than 10 months left to try to speak to those around us and wake them up to the fact that the future of our country is at stake and that we can't be complacent and careless in our decisions.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Anarchy

The Occupy (Fill in City Here) movement has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, EXACTLY what a liberal / socialist society would look like. In slightly over 2 short months, the world has seen the end result of socialism. Filth, perversion, the total breakdown of societal norms, rampant drug use, violence against women, rape, suicide and death with murder just a stone's throw from the crowd.

These "Protestors" are nothing of the sort. They are the cannon fodder, the advance troops, of a sinister cabal of manipulators who are testing the waters to see just how far they can push against the society, and local government. So far, they are thrilled beyond measure at their success. Gutless politicians such as Mike Bloomberg, who never stood up for a principle in his life, aided and enabled a small procession of misfits and malcontents to become a raging "movement" that spread though this country like an STD through a college dorm.

NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Confused about what the Constitution actually says.

Emboldened by the support of leftist politicians, public apathy, a sympathetic and complicit press, and a complete ignorance of the Constitution, the Occupy agitators have carved out a niche across the country that will prove to be very difficult indeed to eliminate. Consider this the next shot in a new revolution. Most recently, part of that revolution could be said to be the election of the least qualified president in the history of the United States. A man who, with literally NO EXPERIENCE other than that of a common street thug 'community organizer" was lifted to the highest office in the land, the most powerful man on earth. The logical progression in a long line of 'stages' that America Haters and traitorous groups have been working on for decades.

Let's take a look at some of this progression

Stage 1: We have LBJ's "Great Society" plan, in which we make it virtually a crime to have African American Families stay cohesive. If the dad is not in sight, we'll pay you more money for your babies. The more babies you have out of wedlock, the more you'll make. It's only fair, we're a 'compassionate" society. In truth, one of the most racist examples of Liberal Democrat theory. Keep the slaves, slaves.

Then, we have Stage 2: "Affirmative action" whose premise is that you DESERVE a job that you're not qualified for simply because of your color. We've destroyed your family, and now we dis-incentivise the idea of education. As good slave masters, we'll help you get a job that you have neither the education or experience for, and anyone who complains will be branded a racist. At a certain point, we'll have to offer you free birth control, and by that we mean abortion. We can't have TOO many of you running around, after all, we're already paying for your inordinate number of children. So while we don't want to teach you anything about personal responsiblilty, and we don't want you to have to think too much when the urge to mate comes over you (after all, you're just a simple savage), we'll help you to get rid of that extra mouth to feed just by showing up at the clinic.

50 years of that, and you have a nearly ruined segment of society. One down, on to the next group. The 60's embodied that "Free Spirit" that everyone thought was so wonderful.

Stage 3: Free Love, Free Expression, the Age of Aquarius. In reality, it was the beginning of another revolution. The revolution that proclaimed that honor, service, duty, patriotism, culture, and morality were evil and wrong. NO one had the right to tell you what to do. No one had the right to 'judge' your actions. This was a new world baby, and we're at the forefront of a great new society. Unfortunately, the people who had to work to pay for your education, welfare, abortions, drug rehab and the like, were too busy working to get on the Hippy Train. But once again, it wasn't the hippy kids that figured it out. It was Grown Men and women, liberals, leftists, communists, anarchists and radicals who took those young impressionable minds, fresh from high school and manipulated them into thinking that THEY had come up with this grand idea. Here we are 50 years later and the radicals are now mainstream. Those who plotted against the United States are revered as 'visionaries". Those who rail against racial harmony through the canard of 'social injustice" are looked upon as "leaders".  The journalists who once looked to find the TRUTH behind a story are now constructing 'New Truth' in order to remain in favor with the power brokers behind the scenes. We have a 4th estate that is a 5th column. When Truth become subject to interpretation, it ceases to be truth.That equals Stage 4.

So here and now, we have the "OCCUPY EVERYTHING" movement. The press heralds them as if they are the new freedom fighters. In reality, they are pathetic spoiled individuals who have no grounding, no morality, no sense of self. They are assimilated into the hive to be the worker bees for the Puppet Masters who like the queen, are hidden from view. They eschew profit, and rail against corporations. They put out their message on their Blackberries, Ipads, Iphones and Droids. They publish their rants and posters and flatsheets at Kinko's and Staples and Office Max. They pitch their tents from Dick's Sporting Goods and Model's and Sports Authority, while clad in their warm clothing from North Face and UnderArmor, shod in boots from Timberland and Shoes from Nike and Adidas. The irony is completely lost on them.

Corporations are all EVIL, but we sure LOVE THAT SKIPPY!
 Especially when it's been donated by the company.
The ignorance and retardation flows from them in a stream of consciousness that baffles anyone with a functioning cerebrum. Listening to their tired repetitions of "Injustice", "Corruption", "Greed", is akin to placing flaming tapers under one's fingernails.

The politicians claim that they are protecting their Constitutional Rights. Where in the Constitution is Occupation mentioned as a right? Protest, free speech, sure, you bet. But moving in? Disrupting the day to day activities of the people who made it possible for you to spend two months creating a city of filth, disease and crime? I think not.

Take a good look at the OCCUPY MOVEMENT. You will see what the left has planned for us all.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More of the same

I haven't posted here in quite a while, but that doesn't mean that I've been goofing off. Well, I may have been goofing off a little bit, but in reality, I've had a pretty full plate. Back in July, I had an Atrial Fibrillation or uncontrolled heartbeat which landed me in the hospital for a week.
Atrial Fibrillation will ruin a nice cheese sandwich.

 I had never had any health problems in my life and other than self inflicted damage, broken bones, cuts requiring stitches etc, and externally inflicted damage, broken bones, stab wounds, gunshot wounds etc.) I have never spent any time in a hospital. So to be cooped up in a bed with wires attached to me, unable to move to the left or right without setting off some idiot alarm, it was to be kind, a trying experience.

Once out of the hospital, I found a new way to spend my time. Visiting the doctor. Now once you have an 'episode' where they can get their hooks into you, it's unlikely that they will ever let you go. Of course, they are very busy so when they tell you that they want to see you as SOON as you get out of the hospital, what they mean is sometime in the next 6 to 8 weeks. But once you DO get your appointment, you can be sure that they will give you every test ever devised to check every orifice, vein, artery, kidney, internal organs, blood, urine and any other fluid or piece of meat that they can think of.

Any naturally, after 60 years of living here on planet earth, you KNOW that they are going to find all sorts of nasty things inside you. Arteries that have cholesterol buildup, sugar levels that are just a wee bit too high, excess weight that you didn't have in high school, blood pressure high enough to launch a shuttle mission and the list goes on. Oh, and if you tell them that you feel fine, it's like an insult to them. They know you're faking because for crying out loud, you haven't visited a doctor in over 30 years so what they hell do you know anyway? We have DEGREES IN MEDICINE! WE'RE SMARTER THAN YOU AND WE KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!

So you begin your future life on one pill for this, one for that, two for the other thing. I submitted like the chicken shit that I am and even broke down and purchased those little pill cases that have the days of the week lettered on them to remind us old folks what day it is and what meds we should be tossing down our gulletts.
At some point, even lettering the days won't help.

 I loaded them up and then promptly forgot to take anything for the next 3 days. I finally got back on track and began my meds with a religious fervor. Despite the fact that the BP meds made me feel thick and gooey, I kept up with them and now I"m hopelessly addicted to them. I"m sure that should I miss a dose, I'll simply turn bright red and fly into the troposphere at Mach 3, trailing my innards out the most convenient orifice available.

And throughout it all, the weaselly politicians, the radical leftists and the unbelievably incompetent administration chugs along as if we have all the time in the world. My slight brush with mortality has made me realize that I may not live long enough to see this country return to any semblance of sanity and freedom.
No matter what the Era, the image on the left will always result in the image on the right.

It's a shame really. I'm forced to reminisce about the 'good old days' much the same way that my Grandfather did when he'd expound on how great it was to buy a loaf of bread for a nickle or a new car for $600.00.

The doctor told me that if I do everything he says, I'll live another 40 years. I'm pretty sure that I'd rather take 15 clean ones on the outside than 40 in his office 4X a week, but more so, I'll look forward to the 40 if I can just convince myself that this country won't look like North Korea by then.

Hope I brought some cheer to you all. Remember, get regular medical checkups, look both ways when crossing, don't drink and drive, wear a condom (two if you're a liberal) and brush after meals.