Independance Day - HAHAHAHAHAHAH``
So we now fast approach the birthday of our nation, or what's left of it. Our "chosen one" is pontificating from his regal palace (formerly known as the White House). His sycophants are all circled around him to protect him from anyone having the temerity to challenge any of his proposals (soon to be law) or ideas (soon to be required thought).
And the ghosts of those who spilled thier blood to maintain the republic, those who gave their lives to create the greatest nation in the history of civilization (doubt me? do some research), those who worked so long and so hard to make things RIGHT in America are spinning in their graves wathcing the net result of over 200 years of effort and prayer (oops! Can't Pray anymore!) be flushed away like so much sewage. The Sewage is currently occupying the halls of power in this country, and only a rising tide of outrage will possibly be enough to reclaim some semblelence of what we once stood for.
The idea that America is a great force for good in the world has been supplanted by a cadre of America Haters who feel that only by apologizing, by denigrating this country can we somehow be accepted by those who are jealous of us, who hate us, and who want to see us destroyed. These hateful individuals have usurped the power in this country by lies, fear and intimidation. They have cowed good people by proferring at any time, the notion that if one disagrees with their platform (America is bad, America is no better than any other place, America OWES apologies to countries who revile her) then that person is a racist, a hater, and ignorant fundamentalist or worse, a CHRISTIAN Fundamentalist. No worse a label can be applied to a citizen in this atmosphere of repression and tyranny.
Yes, I said Tyranny. Because that is exactly the road that America has found herself on. People saying that it can "never happen here" are the same folks (at least from the same mold) as those who said the same thing about Russia, Italy, Germany and a host of other countries that allowed megalomaniacal, messianic politicians to rise far above their peers and ultimately, fueled by the insatiable thirst for power and glory bring their countries to ruin.
We have Czars appointed by this sham of a man who claims the power over us and chastises those who question him. Oh yes, their names are going in the book, of that you can be sure.
CZARS? A post that answeres to no one but the "Leader"? They don't even use a different term, They call them CZARS ans WE THE PEOPLE don't rise up in the streets and haul them from their offices and plush clubs and run them out of town? Have we become such a country of weaklings, so neutered that there isn't a man or woman brave enough to say ENOUGH! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK! ?
The handlers of this pretender are gleeful that they have finally overthrown the legitimate government of the United States Of America with guile and prevarication, lies and fearmongering, bullying and blackmail. The press is too euphoric with adoration for this Marxist/Communist or too paralyzed with fear to speak out (although slowly, some are writing against him but not signing their names...probably much safer at the moment to do so).
So as we ready ourselves for the hot dogs, the beach outings, the barbeque's and family get togethers, we all think that this is still America the Beautiful.
How surprised we are going to be when we discover that we're living in a GULAG.
And the ghosts of those who spilled thier blood to maintain the republic, those who gave their lives to create the greatest nation in the history of civilization (doubt me? do some research), those who worked so long and so hard to make things RIGHT in America are spinning in their graves wathcing the net result of over 200 years of effort and prayer (oops! Can't Pray anymore!) be flushed away like so much sewage. The Sewage is currently occupying the halls of power in this country, and only a rising tide of outrage will possibly be enough to reclaim some semblelence of what we once stood for.
The idea that America is a great force for good in the world has been supplanted by a cadre of America Haters who feel that only by apologizing, by denigrating this country can we somehow be accepted by those who are jealous of us, who hate us, and who want to see us destroyed. These hateful individuals have usurped the power in this country by lies, fear and intimidation. They have cowed good people by proferring at any time, the notion that if one disagrees with their platform (America is bad, America is no better than any other place, America OWES apologies to countries who revile her) then that person is a racist, a hater, and ignorant fundamentalist or worse, a CHRISTIAN Fundamentalist. No worse a label can be applied to a citizen in this atmosphere of repression and tyranny.
Yes, I said Tyranny. Because that is exactly the road that America has found herself on. People saying that it can "never happen here" are the same folks (at least from the same mold) as those who said the same thing about Russia, Italy, Germany and a host of other countries that allowed megalomaniacal, messianic politicians to rise far above their peers and ultimately, fueled by the insatiable thirst for power and glory bring their countries to ruin.
We have Czars appointed by this sham of a man who claims the power over us and chastises those who question him. Oh yes, their names are going in the book, of that you can be sure.
CZARS? A post that answeres to no one but the "Leader"? They don't even use a different term, They call them CZARS ans WE THE PEOPLE don't rise up in the streets and haul them from their offices and plush clubs and run them out of town? Have we become such a country of weaklings, so neutered that there isn't a man or woman brave enough to say ENOUGH! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK! ?
The handlers of this pretender are gleeful that they have finally overthrown the legitimate government of the United States Of America with guile and prevarication, lies and fearmongering, bullying and blackmail. The press is too euphoric with adoration for this Marxist/Communist or too paralyzed with fear to speak out (although slowly, some are writing against him but not signing their names...probably much safer at the moment to do so).
So as we ready ourselves for the hot dogs, the beach outings, the barbeque's and family get togethers, we all think that this is still America the Beautiful.
How surprised we are going to be when we discover that we're living in a GULAG.
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