Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Anarchy

The Occupy (Fill in City Here) movement has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, EXACTLY what a liberal / socialist society would look like. In slightly over 2 short months, the world has seen the end result of socialism. Filth, perversion, the total breakdown of societal norms, rampant drug use, violence against women, rape, suicide and death with murder just a stone's throw from the crowd.

These "Protestors" are nothing of the sort. They are the cannon fodder, the advance troops, of a sinister cabal of manipulators who are testing the waters to see just how far they can push against the society, and local government. So far, they are thrilled beyond measure at their success. Gutless politicians such as Mike Bloomberg, who never stood up for a principle in his life, aided and enabled a small procession of misfits and malcontents to become a raging "movement" that spread though this country like an STD through a college dorm.

NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Confused about what the Constitution actually says.

Emboldened by the support of leftist politicians, public apathy, a sympathetic and complicit press, and a complete ignorance of the Constitution, the Occupy agitators have carved out a niche across the country that will prove to be very difficult indeed to eliminate. Consider this the next shot in a new revolution. Most recently, part of that revolution could be said to be the election of the least qualified president in the history of the United States. A man who, with literally NO EXPERIENCE other than that of a common street thug 'community organizer" was lifted to the highest office in the land, the most powerful man on earth. The logical progression in a long line of 'stages' that America Haters and traitorous groups have been working on for decades.

Let's take a look at some of this progression

Stage 1: We have LBJ's "Great Society" plan, in which we make it virtually a crime to have African American Families stay cohesive. If the dad is not in sight, we'll pay you more money for your babies. The more babies you have out of wedlock, the more you'll make. It's only fair, we're a 'compassionate" society. In truth, one of the most racist examples of Liberal Democrat theory. Keep the slaves, slaves.

Then, we have Stage 2: "Affirmative action" whose premise is that you DESERVE a job that you're not qualified for simply because of your color. We've destroyed your family, and now we dis-incentivise the idea of education. As good slave masters, we'll help you get a job that you have neither the education or experience for, and anyone who complains will be branded a racist. At a certain point, we'll have to offer you free birth control, and by that we mean abortion. We can't have TOO many of you running around, after all, we're already paying for your inordinate number of children. So while we don't want to teach you anything about personal responsiblilty, and we don't want you to have to think too much when the urge to mate comes over you (after all, you're just a simple savage), we'll help you to get rid of that extra mouth to feed just by showing up at the clinic.

50 years of that, and you have a nearly ruined segment of society. One down, on to the next group. The 60's embodied that "Free Spirit" that everyone thought was so wonderful.

Stage 3: Free Love, Free Expression, the Age of Aquarius. In reality, it was the beginning of another revolution. The revolution that proclaimed that honor, service, duty, patriotism, culture, and morality were evil and wrong. NO one had the right to tell you what to do. No one had the right to 'judge' your actions. This was a new world baby, and we're at the forefront of a great new society. Unfortunately, the people who had to work to pay for your education, welfare, abortions, drug rehab and the like, were too busy working to get on the Hippy Train. But once again, it wasn't the hippy kids that figured it out. It was Grown Men and women, liberals, leftists, communists, anarchists and radicals who took those young impressionable minds, fresh from high school and manipulated them into thinking that THEY had come up with this grand idea. Here we are 50 years later and the radicals are now mainstream. Those who plotted against the United States are revered as 'visionaries". Those who rail against racial harmony through the canard of 'social injustice" are looked upon as "leaders".  The journalists who once looked to find the TRUTH behind a story are now constructing 'New Truth' in order to remain in favor with the power brokers behind the scenes. We have a 4th estate that is a 5th column. When Truth become subject to interpretation, it ceases to be truth.That equals Stage 4.

So here and now, we have the "OCCUPY EVERYTHING" movement. The press heralds them as if they are the new freedom fighters. In reality, they are pathetic spoiled individuals who have no grounding, no morality, no sense of self. They are assimilated into the hive to be the worker bees for the Puppet Masters who like the queen, are hidden from view. They eschew profit, and rail against corporations. They put out their message on their Blackberries, Ipads, Iphones and Droids. They publish their rants and posters and flatsheets at Kinko's and Staples and Office Max. They pitch their tents from Dick's Sporting Goods and Model's and Sports Authority, while clad in their warm clothing from North Face and UnderArmor, shod in boots from Timberland and Shoes from Nike and Adidas. The irony is completely lost on them.

Corporations are all EVIL, but we sure LOVE THAT SKIPPY!
 Especially when it's been donated by the company.
The ignorance and retardation flows from them in a stream of consciousness that baffles anyone with a functioning cerebrum. Listening to their tired repetitions of "Injustice", "Corruption", "Greed", is akin to placing flaming tapers under one's fingernails.

The politicians claim that they are protecting their Constitutional Rights. Where in the Constitution is Occupation mentioned as a right? Protest, free speech, sure, you bet. But moving in? Disrupting the day to day activities of the people who made it possible for you to spend two months creating a city of filth, disease and crime? I think not.

Take a good look at the OCCUPY MOVEMENT. You will see what the left has planned for us all.


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