The countdown begins
I have resisted writing anything in my blog for the past month or two simply because I am waiting to see if we are going to change course in this country or drive it straight over the cliff. If there isn't a ROUT in November, then I am fearful that we are witness to the END OF DAYS for the once great United States Of America. That a country's population could be so introverted, so self absorbed, so uninvolved as to allow it (the country) to become a socialist failure, a regime that is antithetical to the values and principles that have guided this country over the past 200 plus years, then there is no hope. Another failed experiment in human dignity killed off by progressive vandals who crave power and control.
I wrote the above to a good friend (who shall remain nameless in order to shield him from the scrutiny of the forces of evil) last week in response to his asking my opinion on the state of the country. Now this either speaks highly of my analytical powers or speaks poorly of my friends ability to choose HIS friends. regardless, I have some thoughts on the upcoming election as well as the direction that this country is headed.
What really astounds me is the fact taht there are people in this country who are ADAMANTLY IN FAVOR OF OUR CURRENT POSITION AND DIRECTION. It brain damage infectious? Can idiots spew forth moron spores that are inhaled by ordinary people and suddenly within a short gestation period, be rendered into drooling buffoons? It certainly seems so.
Has anyone ever noticed that the vaunted Left claims to be all about equality, diversity and open debate yet is ecumenically closed to those exact ideals? Have you ever had a conversation with a liberal and had them say, "Oh, I see where that might be a valid argument"? Or has their response (if the question has been asked in the last 10 years), "Bush LIED!". Monomania. Open Debate? Ask Juan Williams, a noted liberal commentator how open the debate is with his employer NPR (who get HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS to run their radio network). How about Nina Totenberg wishing HIV on Jesse Helms' grandchildren? Oh, that's allowed because 1) Nina is a true believer and 2) Helms was a filthy Republican.
Hey, do you think it's only rhetoric? I mean Nina didn't REALLY want Helms and his grandkids to die right?
Here's a snippet from the Heritage foundation concernning two other famous liberals who are so fair minded;
Liberal icon Gore Vidal, while on the CNN Headline News Show, “The Joy Behar Show” on October 22 said of President Bush: “But I couldn’t jump into the screen fast enough to kill him off. That’s one murder that I missed not committing.” Did host Joy Behar ask him to clarify why he wished he had murdered a U.S. president, or tell him how deplorable that statement was? No. She laughed and said: “Well, it’s too late anyway.” Wow.
Now turn that around and see how long you'd last if you were a Conservative and said exactly the same thing about Barry?
Questions you're not allowed to ask;
Did Harry Reid REALLY save the world from a global recession?
Does Nancy Pelosi REALLY believe that you should pass legislation in order to find out what's in it?
Is Barack Obama likely to "Pivot" if the mid-term elections go to the Republicans? (Answer is:NOT IN A MILLION YEARS - Ideologues NEVER Alter their position).
Are republicans really SO STUPID to think that they can COMPROMISE with the left? (Answer: You cannot compromise with enemies of humanity. Yes, the left, and especially the hard and radical left are enemies of humanity. They are willing to do all the things that they accuse republicans of doing in order to push their agenda through. Kill off old people? Look at their "Healthcare Reform" and tell me how that's "compassionate". Use the poor as a wedge to ram through "emergency spending measures", YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO GUESS AT THAT ONE..
So in less than 10 days, we are faced with a decision as to what this country will look like when OUR children grow up. Do we want to continue with this clown college of politicians who if their policies weren't so destructive and dnagerous, they would be laughable, or are we going to finally STAND UP against the spectre of a Left Leaning (leaning?, you can't lean any further) power structure that will gobble up your freedoms, re-write the constitution, empower activist judges who WILL LEGISLATE FROM THE BENCH and destroy 235 years of freedom with the stroke of a pen?
No matter how 'disaffected' you may be. No matter how unattractive you find politics. You MUST VOTE and take a stand on the issues that will determine whether or not the United States continues to be THE Major Power in the world (and one of the ONLY forces for GOOD around the world). or that we become a third rate ex-superpower, beholden to all and impotent on the world stage. That's not drama, THAT'S FACT. Ignore this at your peril. Liberals are NOT COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE. You DON'T Want to find that out first hand. If you don't think that the United States should practive Sharia Law, then you REALLY NEED TO VOTE AGAINST LIBERALS (yes, they will tell you that it's compliant with the Constitution. But how would they know? None of them, NONE OF THEM have a clue as to what the Constitution says. doubt me? Here's another tidbit for you;
Christine O'Donnell, in a debate with Democrat (read LIBERAL) Chris Coons, questioned his understanding of the 1st amendment and the phrase "separation of church and state" NOT appearing anywhere in the constitution (which it does not). Of course, the liberal and the idiot law school students found this to be hilarious, showing us how desperately dysfunctional our education system is...Law Students who don't have a CLUE as to what the Constitution says? DISGUSTING! How qmuch money is funnelled into these schools each year? This is the level of education that YOUR son's and daughters receive? Demand your money back. Send your kid to DeVry and let them learn how to fix tractors. There will be more call for tractor mechanics than lawyers when the Progressives take control anyway. And just to be fair, here is the complete text of the
First Amendment for your review;
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I know that it is just a really long read what with all of 45 words (and if you've been educated by liberal academia, you may be excused from having to read it yourself, find a third grader to read it to you, or have your Kindle read it out loud). So where is the 'separation of church and state" clause? Not making a law respecting the establishment of a religion simply states that the Government cannot authorize or create a STATE RELIGION. If there must be a separation of Church and State, why then do all sessions of Congress begin with a prayer (much to the disgust of the progressives I'm sure).
Once again, Liberals lie to us. What else is new?
Ok, November 2 is almost here. Are you paying attention? I sure hope so.
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