The Audacity of Arrogance
Yes I CAN! Destroy America in 4 years |
So I haven't posted a single word here on this blog in MONTHS! Yes, I'm just a lazy American. expecting handouts from the government, expecting that someone else will step up and write my blog, take care of all my responsibilities and pay my bills. Well THAT little experiment fell flat on its face. Funny, but the Government seems to think that that can get away with an even MORE ridiculous plan. BORROW MORE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE DEBT!
Well let's get something straight from the outset. The Government has NO DESIRE to pay off the debt. They have NO DESIRE to reduce the deficit. They have NO DESIRE to cut spending and they don't give a damn about you, your children, your family, your neighbors, or citizens of this country. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
Face it, to the Government, you're an annoyance. You're not rich enough to matter, you're not poor enough to manipulate, so basically, you're a pain in the Governmental ass and if it wasn't for the fact that they can squeeze you for what little you DO have, they'd write you off in a second. So the fact of the matter is, we need to look to NEW leadership to find a way out of this fiasco that has been brewing in this country for the last 50+ years. Oh wait! New Leadership? From where? Who? How? Democrats are bought and paid for by the Soros' of the world. Face it, they are as corrupt as one could humanly be. There isn't a drop of purity or wholesomeness anywhere in the democrat party, they are moral bankrupts and traitors to the country that gave them so much. But we do have the Republicans right? Oh, you mean the Republicans who are so timid, so frightened to 'rock the boat" that they lay down and roll over more readily than a neglected dog? Those Republicans who claim to be in touch with YOU, Mr. and Mrs. Average American? Those same Republicans who sell you out the moment there is the slightest bit of pressure brought to bear? Led by "Suzy Real Tears Boehner", a man (using the term as a biological descriptor only) sop devoid of courage or principle that he tears up at the thought of, well, just about anything.
Cry Me a River - Another Republican Coward |
America is going to hell in a handbasket, but this handbasket has a blown and injected nitro burning engine that's propelling it to the end of the track like Andy Green at Blackrock. The administration, if you can call it that, has worked tirelessly to ruin our economy, be completely insulated from the ordinary citizen, turn a blind eye to actual suffering of the populace (the populace that actually PAYS for things), and to put the cherry onthe whipped cream, has destroyed the image of the United States abroad. Washington is populated by thieves, whores, and idiots. Most of our politicians are all three. The idiot in chief is so removed, so narcissitic, so disconnected from any sort of reality as to be the stuff of fairy tales. His imperious demeanor is not just arrogant and self serving, but wholly and diametrically opposed to the basic precepts of the IDEA of America.
We are seeing the entire basics of commerce turned upside down. We are awash in oil, the demand is dropped like a stone from a bridge and yet the price of a gallon of gasoline has risen to heights unseen in this country and still rising. Not a word from the White House except for admonishments that we should "find a smaller car". Disconnected? How about Unconscious? The truth is that Obama and his Czar's and minions WANT the price of gas to skyrocket even more than it already is. THis way, you get to stay home, you can't get around to do your work, the country finally collapses and who is there to step in? Why the GOVERNMENT of course. We can get you back up to speed, but you'll have to give up some freedomes. We don't like the fact that you have any freedoms in the first place, but until we can do something about that damm Constitution, we'll have to winnow away at them bit by bit.
And who thinks that ANYONE cares about the Constitution anyway? The media is silent, all in lockstep with a man who is working overtime destroying the greatest country ever to exist on the face of the earth. Sure, there are people I know who live in other countries who will be annoyed at my presumption, but I say, I have the PROOF. Look at the last 250 years of global history. WHO WAS ALWAYS THERE TO SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEMS? Yep, you got it right if you said AMERICA. Face it, if it wasn't for the U.S. we'd all be goosestepping and eating schnitzel. We had a country that stood for something back then. We had men and women who would look evil in the face and stand up and fight it. We had leaders who...well, how about we just leave it at "WE HAD LEADERS". The puppets and followers and hangers on and sycophants of this mighty imposter are so weak of mind and morals that while they may hold the titles, they fail in their roles as representatives of us.
I don't need to tell anyone what happens to a country where the population is so lethargic, so uninvolved, so unable to muster men and women of courage to stand up to tyrants. We have seen the results of that over and over and over throughout history.
I just never thought I'd live to see the day when AMERICA was one of those countries.
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