Saturday, February 11, 2012

The most dangerous people in America

The current crop of Republican Candidates is weak sauce for a Presidential Stew.

Here we are, scant months from an election that may be the most important in the 236 years that we've been a country. The Democrats are confident that Obama will be re-elected, and the Republicans are working hard every day to make sure that he is. Yes, you read that right. From my chair, all I see is rampant disarray in the Republican party. Candidates who are so devoid of personality as to be less exciting than a bowl of thin soup at the local old age home. Sure, you have Gingrich, the brilliant Historian who would easily destroy Obama in any debate. Unfortunately, reeks of sleaze. Hard to shake off the image of you giving your wives the hidey-ho as soon as they get some horrible illness. Women hate him and as you know, if women hate you, you're sunk as a candidate.

Romney just seems like a Democrat who stole a Republicans top coat. Look at his record in Massachusetts and I'll say no more. Ron Paul? Solid consrevative or true libertarian, but too far off on the edge to have any chance. Rick Santorum? Word on the street is that he's a real conservative, an honorable guy, scandal free and totally unelectable. So unless someone comes along out of the blue, it's a thin crowd that we have to choose from. The Cult of Personality will have its say, and again, from my seat, it looks like Romney is going to get the nod despite all the palaver about any of the other candidates, regardless of any gains or strides they may make between now and November.

Any one of these candidates could easily hand another 4 years to Obama and his band of radical miscreants. But are they the dangerous ones? Hardly. The most dangerous people in America today are AMERICANS. We're politically lazy (you bet we are), and easily misled by the mainstream media who will do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO RE-ELECT OBAMA. I have not met more than a hand full of people since Obama was elected who believe in him or think he's doing a great job. Virtually everyone I meet can't stand this administration. But did they vote in the last election? About 40% of them did. 6 out of ever 10 people I've met NEVER BOTHERED TO VOTE!!! Yes, that's a 3 exclamation point sentence. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Every excuse in the book. Too busy, Forgot, Not registered, My vote is meaningless, blah blah blah.

This country is on the verge of changing forever. It's changed so dramatically in the last 3 years that I simply do not recognize much of it as America anymore. We've allowed our children's future to be mortgaged beyond any possibility of being paid off. We've sacrificed numerous personal freedoms in the name of "Security". We've created a private army of poorly trained, arrogant, security troops who haven't the slightest idea of constitutional behavior and are increasing their numbers and powers every day, and no one says a word.

This is a pretty corny image isn't it? 
Sure, the eagle, the flag, the Statue of Liberty. All icons that are 'out of date" right?

We have an administration who behaves un-constitutionally, and EXTRA-Constitutionally and isn't called to account by a congress that is so ineffectual and corrupt that it has single digit approval ratings. When the President CLEARLY breaks the law and isn't stopped, then any pretense of separation of powers and the rule of law goes right out the window. If you ALLOW a tyrant to operate unopposed, then a tyrant will do just that. Congress works at the behest of the people. Evidently, the people aren't paying any attention and the people aren't calling their congressmen to tell them to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. When the congress acts in a way that is detrimental to the needs and desires of the citizens that they purport to represent and isn't held to account, then the PEOPLE have abdicated their role as citizens of the United States of America. When socialist radicals are placed in positions of power, and no one stands up to oppose them, then the PEOPLE have seeded their country to a tyrannical force that has only one thing on the agenda. To DESTROY the UNITED STATES of AMERICA as it was originally conceived. To remove the rights that have been guaranteed by our constitution since its inception and to impose a totalitarian regime that ultimately controls the lives of every citizen and effectively make them a slave.
Will 70 Million Catholics REJECT or RE-ELECT Obama?

Obama's plan to force Catholic institutions to provide abortion services and contraception to its employees is clearly unconstitutional. There are 70 MILLION Catholics in this country. Over 50% of them voted for Obama in the last election. Will they now rise up against this man who believes that he can FORCE an entire religion to accede to his view and disavow their religious teachings? Don't bet on it. Chances are that just before the election, Obama will capitulate and offer a waiver to the Catholic Church and its institutions as a gesture of his 'understanding" and "christian compassion". That OUGHT to be enough to convince the spineless throngs of Catholics that the sensitive and caring Obama is worthy of another 4 years. As a Catholic, I'm disgusted by the sycophancy of most Catholics, who claim to be living in Christ, but "gee, we need to make some accommodations to modern life."

Of course you'd never find a dictum from the administration forcing the Muslim religion to embrace the health benefits of pork now would you?

The Most Dangerous People in America are the PEOPLE in AMERICA. If they don't wake up, they are going to find themselves living in a totally different world. We have less than 10 months left to try to speak to those around us and wake them up to the fact that the future of our country is at stake and that we can't be complacent and careless in our decisions.


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