Traitors, Liars and Frauds
"Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had". Michael Crichton.
To your left you will find a photo of one of the biggest frauds, liars and traitors in modern history. Yes, the former Vice President and current carbon whore Al Gore.
Despite massive evidence to the contrary, Al continues to tell anyone who will pay him to speak that "There is no more debate" which means, "I have to say that because if I ever get challenged by anyone with a brain, my whole scam will fall apart". Al is suffering from the humiliating defeat that he suffered when he THOUGHT he was going to be President and then woke up and found out he was just another also ran. His hopes of becoming the New Jesus dashed, Al decided that he had better find a way to cash in on what little celebrity he had left. So naturally, he looked to the left, a fine herd of simpering drones who would hang on his every word no matter how nonsensical, no matter how self serving and pompous. "Hmmmm" thinks Gore, "Let's see, I bet I can make a ton of money of the environmental issue. Those folks are so totally deranged that anything that I feed them they will swallow and make it into truth.
So off he goes like the retarded Pied piper, gathering not rats (debatable) but idiots of every stripe to his "Global Warming" bandwagon. First it's a group, then it's a cult, then a movement and Shazamm!
It's a cash cow that even Barnum would be proud of. They put Bernie Madoff in jail for the rest of his life for bilking his liberal buddies out of a paltry couple of billion. Gore gets the Nobel Prize for BS. In the process knocking out Irena Sendler who's only contribution to humanity was; saving over 2,500 Jewish children from certain death in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. The feisty and fearless 97 year old was kicked to the curb by the committee so that the farcical, lying thief Al Gore could be honored as one of their own. After all what's a few thousand little Jews matter in the grand scheme of things? Here's a link that you should take a moment to review so that you can see the difference between a REAL HERO, and a bag of human waste like Al Gore.
Irena Sendler's information
Gore gets to travel all over the world in his big jet (don't worry about his carbon footprint, he's working to save the planet), Keep his lights on in his house to the tune of $30,000 a year. IT's okay because he's using that electricity to bone up on the science of Global Warming...oh, wait, THAT debate is over right? So he's a failed wannabe president, a fraud and a liar, a crook who gets rich off of stupid people and the press and uses more resources than 20 average American Household's and he's hailed as a visionary.
Despite having his Academy Award winning film be unequivocally proven to be nothing more than an infomercial for his money grabbing tax increasing scam (and being so full of "scientific" hogwash and outright lies (yes, when you make stuff up, it's called "LYING") Gore still commands the adoration of the left who think that we were stiffed when he lost the election to that stupid Texan. Well thank GOD that we corrected THAT mistake by electing the Kenyan dude.
"But Jim, You called Al Gore a traitor, how do you square that?"
Well I look at it this way. Al Gore cares about as much for America as the man in the moon. Why? Because we didn't see his greatness, we didn't bow down to him and pronounce him Lord Gore, and because he would just as soon sell us all down the river, you, me, your kids and their kids, for a couple of hundred million by mortgaging our future on fake science, fear mongering and a totalitarian scheme to control your way of life while not altering his in any way except to enlarge it and reap massive profits from your hard work. To me, that's treason, to actively work to destroy one's country and at the same time to enrich oneself through false representation shows a callous disregard for the people of the United States of America. Al Gore should be making big rocks into little ones.
Now if we can repeal the 22nd amendment, maybe we can flush this country completely down the toilet and try to compete on a level playing field with Europe. Obama For Life, Gore for keeper of the Ozone Layer, tax the methane that comes out of the back end of cows, declare that CO2 is a Pollutant (anyone who believes that should not be allowed out without an escort) and if you peek in your fridge you're an enemy of the state. Anyone read 1984 lately?
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