The Never Ending Story
History Tidbit;
In 1941, Chuichi Nagumo, Commander of the Japanese First Air Fleet who lead the attack on Pearl Harbor. Worried that with the United States entering the war, Japan had "awakened a sleeping dragon". His worries proved to be accurate, and in July of 1944 Nagumo committed suicide.
Fast forward to present day America;
The "Man Who Would Be King", President Obama will be going on all the talk shows to try to sell his health care plan for the 9,364th time since his inauguration. He's going to hit all the major networks except for Fox News because his handlers know that he is incapable of answering a question that might have some substance to it.
An accomplished liar such as our President should have no trouble facing stiff questioning. After all, he has had an awful lot of practice in deception and evasive answers to straightforward question. But in the end, it really matters very little as all the networks that he will appear on, all the talk show hosts who fete him, will all come to the conclusion that he is our best hope for salvation. Unfortunately, since we've gotten so far away from any sense of God or religion, or morality in this country, I am loathe to believe that anyone knows what salvation actually means. I am completely certain that no one in the media understands the term. So politically poisonous you know.
Well we can all be very happy that our Godless leader will be scrapping any hope for missle defense in Poland. After all Putin, being that big scary KGB man has obviously given the wink and the nod to President Obama and our feckless leader blinked before he was even challenged. So spineless and egotistical is he that he thinks that those who would see us destroyed, dragged to the depths of third worldism and marginalized on the world stage will simply lay down their plans for our destruction because he's such a swell fellow. Or is is something more sinister? could it possibly be that Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is working in concert with those leaders who despise America and all that she stands for? could it possibly be that This Chicago street thug who has found himself in the highest position in the world, through manipulation and funding from America's enemies (I refer of course to George Soros, the billionaire leftist who is intent on changing the face and political complexion of the United States to reflect his perverted world view) is simply following his marching orders and laying the groundwork for the final total collapse of this country?
Yes, I'm a kook, I'm a conspiracy nut, I've got buckets of grain stored in my basement for the coming holocaust. That's what the left will say. But the reality is that I am a believer in God and Country. I am a believe in my fellow American's who I KNOW do NOT WANT TO SEE THIS COUNTRY CHANGED. We have had decades of the left telling us that we're an ungrateful, unfair, greedy and selfish country. That we use 75% of the worlds resources while being only 5% of the world population. No one mentions that we support about 90% of the known world in terms of aid, food, technology, military support and agricultural assistance as well as humanitarian support for countries that are literally clamoring for our destruction. You can't do all that without using some resources. Show me one single country that does 1/10 of what the United States does in regard to helping others less fortunate and less advanced. YOU CAN'T DO IT.
But with the puling vermin that inhabit our congress, our senate and our white house, we are rushing headlong into an abyss where WE will be the one's in need of assistance. And I ask you, "Who will provide it?"
The time is coming for an accounting. Those who will not stand for this country, defend its constitution, protect its citizens and remove the intrusive nature of government will find that they are on the outside looking in. I still have faith that the core, the soul of this country will not permit thieves, traitors, terrorists and outright criminals remain in power for very much longer.
The "sleeping dragon" that is the United States is stirring. If it wakes fully, there won't be a rat hole deep enough for most of our legislators to hide in. But they will have to try to find some place to go because none of them have the sense of honor that Chuichi Nagumo had. Of that I can be sure. What a pity.
On the plus side of things, each time Obama opens his mouth, more lies come out.
Slowly the American people are waking up to who Obama REALLY is.
The more he talks, the more he tanks in the polls. I say, let him talk all he wants.
We should be grateful his, and other democrats, egos get in the way of common sense. We could easily have had a more intelligent leader with his views that would be more difficult to defeat.
thank you for your comment Bob. I agree, and I would also be willing to bet that we won't have to worry about him EVER shutting up. Narcissists never do.
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