Solid Financial Acumen and Why the Adminstration has NONE
Here are some rock solid facts that should make you either boiling mad or totally depressed.
The Cash for Clunkers program
The 12 Atlanta-area dealerships under the Jim Ellis name had made 350 clunker deals worth almost $1.5 million in reimbursements and received payment for none.
IT'S THE GOVERNMENT STUPID, don't hold your breath.
A Reuters analysis concluded -- even with the extended program in place -- "cash for clunkers" would trim U.S. oil consumption by only a quarter of 1 percent.
This was NEVER about saving energy of any form. It was about CONTROLLING every friggin' aspect of you r life and seeing how much the administration could manipulate the private sector. In that regard, it's a smashing success. Car dealers have fought for years to rid themselves of the "slimy used car salesman" stereotype. Well, the problem is that 99% of all car dealers are "Slimy used car salesmen". It's tough to hide your trunk if you're an elephant.
Ray LaHood claimed that "cash for clunkers" had benefited domestic car companies, particularly Ford. When The Associated Press requested data to verify this contention, the most transparent administration ever to grace God's soon-to-be-unblemished Earth refused to release the data.
Do you think that they might not want to be caught out as LIARS?
Further research showed that the majority of buyers weren't buying Ford, Chrysler or GM but Honda, Toyota and Hyundai
Well maybe as consumers, people look for the companies with the best reputation for reliability, resale and warranty?So here's an absurdly small program in terms of dollars and cents (3 billion dollars which may be a lot of money to you and me, but it's less than pocket lint to the crooks running the United States of America). In less than one months time is a crashing disaster, dealers will be caught with their pants down when they don't get reimbursed for the $4500.00 that THEY laid out of pocket when some government drone disallows the deal. Ma and Pa will be driving their nice new "energy efficient" car down the highway and dealers will be looking for cheap sisal and a good strong beam.
Face it, the government has never, will never and is incapable of EVER running anything efficiently or even moderately successfully. If their programs fail, they can simply throw more money at it. If that doesn't work, they can abandon the project and move on to something new. It's a huge game played by people with severe cases of ADD and unlimited funds. If it screws you to the wall, well that's really a shame, but they have better things to worry about.
As a matter of fact, if they can REALLY screw up things, that will give them the incentive and the ability to come up with a new program to "FIX" it. What's another couple of hundred million or billion dollars when it comes to the "WELFARE" of the public? Plus, each and every senator and congressman/woman can get in on the "Some for MY district" gravytrain. Ah, what a wonderful system! Who needs checks and balances when you control the treasury and can damn your opponents and anyone with the temerity to confront or contradict by calling them "RACISTS"?
3 BILLION DOLLARS in 30 days. DO the math because the administration sure can't. A paltry 100 MILLION DOLLARS a day to accomplish absolutely NOTHING.
Wait until they rework your Healthcare. You know, the stuff that you're too busy to bother calling anyone about?
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