The Difference Between a Successful Soldier and a Failure
In the wake of the Islamic Terror attack on Ft. Hood this past week, I need to vent a little because I am not only appalled by the coverage that this event has engendered, but I am also disgusted by the feckless government officials, the weak and spineless media, the fawning and puling pundits who seem to have no limit on their acceptance of Islamic hatred for the United States and its citizens.
Here is the TRUTH.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan was and IS an Islamic terrorist. Pay no attention to his U.S. Military service as this was his front from the very beginning. His unabashed reviling of the United States Military, Government, Soldiers and Constitution was right out there in the open for all to see. His arguing with returning soldiers that he was allegedly there to help was beyond a “RED FLAG” as some idiots in the media have dubbed it. And to throw some gasoline on the flames of this debacle, I will state here and now that I don’t blame him one bit for what happened because that was his mission from the start.
Oh I can hear all the screams and finger pointing and I’m sure to lose a friend or two, but the fact remains that Major Nidal Malik Hasan was an agent of Islamic Terror and he accomplished his mission 99%. His 1% failure was due to the fact that he wasn’t killed and therefore has to forgo the 72 virgins that had awaited him.
The BLAME falls directly on the shoulders of every single General, Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant who KNEW of his predilection and did nothing about it for fear of being called a ‘Racist’ YOU ARE ALL FAILURES.
The BLAME falls squarely on the shoulders of every single FBI agent, CIA agent and other government entity that had dossiers on Major Nidal Mailk Hasan and did not pull him from duty and question him aggressively because we can’t simply go around questioning those good and peaceful Muslims who might hold a “different” opinion from that of mainstream America YOU ARE ALL FAILURES.
The BLAME falls unambiguously on the shoulders of those elected officials who continue to embrace the false notion that Islam is a religion of peace when it is most obviously exactly the opposite YOU ARE ALL FAILURES.
Please don’t bore me with tales of the lovely Muslim family that lives down the lane. I’m not interested. Especially when good and true Americans are being slaughtered wholesale right here on U.S. soil by “misunderstood”, “maligned” members of the “Religion of Peace”.
In New York, Mayor Michael Bloomberg hosted a forum inviting Muslim leaders to discuss the “Backlash” and fallout from this massacre. Forget that there hasn’t been a SINGLE incident of “Backlash” perpetrated against any Muslim, Mosque or Neighborhood ANYWHERE in the United States. Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly wanted to forestall any ‘unease’ that the Muslim community might feel because of the actions of a “Sick Individual” who didn’t act on his religious beliefs. Hosted at this get together was Brooklyn Imam Siraj Wahhaj who was among clergy members invited to meet the mayor Wednesday. Wahhaj was a witness for Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted in 1995 of plotting to blow up city landmarks. Wahhaj was never charged in the case. (That’s called an un-indicted co-conspirator)
Bloomberg was quoted as saying that he will “in general” continue to reach out to every group as mayor (The translation of that statement can be summed up as "I will not speak out against ANY Muslim under ANY circumstances because I don't want to run the risk of offending any member of this "Religion of Peace"") Bloomberg also said that he felt that he was doing that while meeting with Wahhaj, the leader of a large mosque. Which can also be considered to be either a place of worship or a recruiting ground for terrorists.
General George W. Casey, another “Prime Suspect” on the “Don’t make waves” brigade. The Chief of Staff of the Army said:"Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."
I can’t think of a time frame that would be too short to have this imbecile removed from command, jailed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy and horsewhipped in the town square.
Sorry General Casey, but you’ve got it backwards. It is FREEDOM that is the strength of the United States and that freedom is what ALLOWS diversity to exist and grow. It is NOT the other way around. Freedom that has been earned with the blood of American's on battlefields across the face of the earth. Blood that was spilled to save others who were too weak, too weary, too beaten to defend themselves.
If you are so blinded by political correctness that you can no longer call a terrorist attack on your OWN MEN AND WOMEN what it is, then clearly, it is time for you to be relieved. If you are so cowed by the idea that a Muslim who has made no secret of his disdain and loathing of the United States Military might be subject to scrutiny, then you are WORSE than the perpetrator of the attack. Your cowardice under the pressure of “Diversity”, along with all the other players in the “Don’t Offend the Muslims” cadre is the poison that will eventually cause the death of this country. Only those who are strong enough to stand up and speak the truth, only those who are strong enough to call evil by its name, will be able to save this country, and by proxy, the rest of the free world from the forces of evil and darkness that Islamic Fundamentalism and Islamic Terror is bent on creating.
General Casey, Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a better soldier than you.
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