Star Struck and Incompetent
Well, here’s the problem. With such a dearth of experience, Obama shows himself to be the ultimate poser. His “beautiful wife” Michelle, (ostensibly the brains of the outfit) masks her hatred of America, white people, and anyone who would dare to interfere in HER drive for power with the disguise of designer clothes and fancy friends. Oh yes, EVERYONE wants to hang out with celebrities. Unfortunately, we didn’t hire a fanboy to be chief executive…or did we?
Obama can’t seem to do anything of any substance without hawking it all over the media. This isn’t standard media reporting of a president and his activities. This is more like TMZ following a drunken celebutard around waiting to see that crotch shot. And more unfortunately, we’ve seen a lot of virtual crotch shots from this president.
We entrust the commander in chief to be a LEADER, not a giggling schoolgirl. Obama’s big problem is that he’s really nothing more than a thug from the streets of Chicago who stumbled into the big time. (NOT with the help of black people by the way, but radical WHITE people who saw in this brash young man the perfect foil for their agenda). His credentials are thinner than a micro-tomed slice of Ted Kennedy’s liver. His “speaking ability” and “eloquence” is nothing more than canned speeches, pre-packaged by MORE white people who put the words up on the teleprompter and have their trained boy read them.
Oh pardon me, did I say “boy”? Well as a matter of fact, I did. Because that’s what Obama is. He’s the left’s “boy” and he will do as instructed by his handlers (Michelle Obama, David Axlerod, Raham Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett ) It is clear that Barack Obama isn’t the “genius” that he was presented to the American People as. Rather he is the little puppet of communists who have figured out a way to push their plan of dismantling the United States and bringing forth the NEXT Communist/Marxist/Fascist regime. He is, in short, their “Useful Negro”.
We look to a president as a leader. One who can take weighty issues, discuss them with intelligent advisors and make a determination for the good of the country, the security of its people and the protection of its position on the world stage. What we get is a starry eyed fake who is more impressed that Oprah wants to be friends with his wife and go places with them than the fact that American Men are dying in Afghanistan because he’s too busy jetting off to Copenhagen lobbying for the Olympics for Chicago. The only reason he met with General McCristal was to tell him to shut his mouth about how the war in Afghanistan needed to be run. HE was the commander in chief and HE would tell the General how it was going to be. Now in normal circumstances, that’s actually proper. Remember, McArthur was fired for going against Truman. But the difference is that Truman had courage and wasn’t afraid to make the decisions necessary to protect America and Americans. (remember the “Buck Stops Here”?) Obama finds the concept of “Victory” to be demeaning. Please explain to me how that translates into an effective Commander in Chief? Obama campaigned on the idea that Iraq was the WRONG War and that if elected, he would “Go to Afghanistan, Win the War there and Capture OBL” (allow me my paraphrase, but the context is accurate). Of course, that would require some courage and we all know that like Bert Lahr, Obama is just a “scaaarrrreddd” to do anything that might reflect negatively on him with his celebrity pals.
Obama CAN’T make hard decisions BECAUSE he’s a coward and is too busy basking in the limelight with his celebrity friends. He can’t make decisions at all unless his handlers tell him it’s okay. This is a feckless man who has the spine of an invertebrate. His handlers are enemies of freedom, morality, and justice. They are warmongering villains (Yes, I said Warmongering and if necessary, I will expand on that, but I trust that those who read my words have enough functioning brain cells to understand what I am saying). who hide behind the “last administration” and point to them as the cause of all that is wrong. Well, you can’t fool all the people all the time. And it sure looks like more and more people are waking up each day to realize that America, that “Shining City on a Hill” has fallen so far down the hill that her beacon of freedom is nearly extinguished. There is still a spark, and it grows a little bit each day. The fanboy and his sycophants can’t sustain the fraud indefinitely. Each time that they fail, each time that they try to blame those who came before them, a little more of their credibility is eroded.
Each new administration starts off with a certain amount of “free passes” and a lot of hope and faith. If one is presidential, and measured, those free passes accrue as does the hope and faith become more tangible and strong. But for that to happen, the president must behave with honor and determination. Not pose for glory shots and meander around the globe like a jet setter on a drunken holiday.
This president and his entourage has disgraced the office, demeaned the country, and squandered all of his free passes and hope and faith. He is left naked and exposed for the fraud he is. America, once the bastion of liberty, the station of freedom, the defender of the oppressed, has become the laughing stock of the world. In less than ten months, Barack Hussein Obama and his tribe of miscreants has taken the “house” of America and kicked out the walls, pulled out the plumbing, thrown the TV’s into the swimming pool and set fire to the carpets in the hall. What else would you expect from “celebrities”?
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