Welcome to the New America
Here’s some change you can believe in.
I’ve held off writing anything for the month of March simply because I’m so totally disgusted with this administration that I can’t seem to find a subject that doesn’t completely enrage me to the point of illiteracy. The gang of thugs, pimps, gangsters and charlatans, also known as Congress have just thrown away any pretense of working for their constituents. They have whored themselves out for so long that they just don’t even care who knows it anymore. All bow down to the art of the deal, the force of Chicagoland ‘persuasion’ and the promise of riches beyond imagination. Yep, that’s our Congress.
So we’ve suffered through the first year and change of the great and omnipotent Obama. The shift towards socialism has become a mudslide rather than a gradual slope and democrats everywhere are breaking their arms clapping themselves on the back for their WIN on healthcare reform (oxymoron, but the term nonetheless).
Well here’s some change that you can really believe in;
This country has been usurped by leftists, communists and socialists along with progressives and anarchists, green terrorists and simple swindlers and cheats. You can’t argue that fact (well you can, but you’d be a moron if you did…or a democrat). The conservative pundits all caterwaul about “preventing our country from being lost. Here’s a newsflash for all of them. IT’S ALREADY LOST, the best we can hope for is to be able to wrest it from the talons of the pirates and scoundrels who currently are at the helm. The midterm elections are coming up a lot faster than people thing (November is only 8 months away and if you’re over the age of 30 you know how short a time that is). Republicans and conservatives all think that it is going to be happy time and they are going to just walk right into the seats currently occupied by the verminous democrat party. Well not so fast Skeezix. The American people are a strange lot of contradictions and dichotomies. We can be boiling mad one minute, but, unable to sustain the anger and disgust, we soon cool off and go about the business of making a living, caring for our kids and trying to pay our taxes.
Yes, we have a collective short memory. If you doubt me, take a quick peek at all the progress being made in lower Manhattan to reconstruct the twin towers. Right, zero progress. So here’s the deal. We need to have a second American Revolution and throw out the members of the aristocracy (the democrats AND republicans) and get back to a governing system “of the people, by the people and for the people”. Otherwise, we better get used to the Sears catalog for our bathroom hygiene and acquire a taste for cold borscht because kids, we are fast becoming the old Soviet Union. While all the socialist countries are discovering that their system sucked wind for oh so many years, and they are starting to become more capitalistic (check out Communist China, they’re only Communists to terrorize their own populace, but they sure have that capitalism deal down pat don’t they?) We, on the other hand, are traipsing down the merry path to “Hail Comrade!” and class envy/warfare proposed and promoted by the little community organizer with the big ears and the even bigger plans for you and me.
So unless you get off your rear end and keep up the pressure on your elected representative (I laugh when I say that), unless you go out and actively vote out the scum and vile con artists that have proliferated in Washington and turned our system of government into a sewer of corruption, unless we make it abundantly clear to anyone who will listen that we will NOT ALLOW OUR COUNTRY TO BE RUN BY VILLIANS, THIEVES, and PIRATES, then you have no right to bitch about anything that comes your way.
This country CAN be rescued, but only by a concerted effort of good people who care enough to make their voices heard. You have to use the same tactics that the left uses. Organize, proselytize, agitate, confront. Don’t let your representatives off the hook. If they don’t’ want to listen, work to oust them from office. It can be a political bloodbath in November, or it can be just another day at the polls. The choice is up to all of us who want to live in America, not Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, France or Greece. Balls in our court, we need to play it hard and tough, just like the opposition did.
As for me, I’m buying up blue jeans and chewing gum.