Why America Is Finished
I write a sad tale today. A tale of a once great nation, full of bright and creative people. A nation that worked diligently to offer opportunities to all its citizens. A nation that was proud and a beacon to the rest of the world.
That nation is no more. America is a shell, broken with all the goodness running out of it. America has pulled the trigger with the pistol square against its head and blown its own brains out. Like a lifeless corpse, America is reduced to a pandering infantile weakling. The jackal’s smell the stench of decay and are circling the bloated carcass just waiting for that last gasp. And we’ll give it to them too. No longer are we a nation that can hold its head up proudly and say “WE’RE AMERICANS!” We have to apologize to all we see for our terrible history or conquest and suppression and discrimination….Oh, wait, when did all that happen? Well in the minds of those in power, I suppose that killing Germans and Japanese in World War II was just a terrible thing to do. Incarcerating all those innocent Japanese and German citizens was one of the great evils of the 20th century. Why it was even worse than that mean old Joe Stalin killing 20 million of his own, or that crazy fellow Hitler who only wanted purity of race and justified the deaths of 12 million to achieve it. NO, America was WORSE!
And then we have our dim dark past of invading that peace loving country of Korea to help out those evil South Koreans who were our puppets and tools in the oppression of the peace loving North. No wonder they had to have the Chinese and Russians help them out.
Yes, we were a warmongering country back then. We didn’t learn any lessons when we invaded that poor little country of Viet-Nam either. And once again, the peaceful residents had to look to China and Russia to help them defend themselves against the evil American empire.
Yes, we were a warmongering country back then. We didn’t learn any lessons when we invaded that poor little country of Viet-Nam either. And once again, the peaceful residents had to look to China and Russia to help them defend themselves against the evil American empire.
Well no more. Now we have a government that is bound and determined to put that final nail in the coffin with America wrapped up in a death shroud inside. And they are doing a damn fine job too.
They understood that if they could only gain power, real power, presidential power, that they could change this country around. They could punish America for all its past misdeeds. They could bring this once powerful and great nation to its knees and reduce it to a poor excuse for a third world banana republic. And they are MASTERS at it!
Yes, America is finished. It’s finished because
We are forbidden to mention the name of any enemy of this country.
We are forbidden to demand sovereignty.
We are forbidden to fight back when attacked.
We are forbidden to have our representatives actually represent us.
We are forbidden to protect our own borders
We are forbidden to protect the lives of our citizens if it interferes with the lives of those who would sneak into this country.
We are forbidden to question the motives of our president or his ministers or czars lest we become the focus of a smear campaign as well as a deep scrutiny that destroys the very concept of freedom.
We are forbidden to burn a Mexican flag while illegals can burn an American flag with impunity.
We live in a country where our Special Forces are brought to trial for giving a bloody lip to a terrorist killer. A prosecutor claims that they must be tried to prove how much better we are than terrorists. (Thankfully they are all acquitted, but the next group may not be so fortunate.)
And more than that, we are unable to hear the truth about any of the corrupt practices in the halls of power because the press, that is SUPPOSED to investigate, and shine the light of truth on things, is as corrupt and wanton in its negligence as the government itself. Sycophants all, they simple spew the ‘party line’ and woe unto you if you should question their veracity.
We refuse to understand that Muslims build mosques on conquered ground. Hence, the attack of 9/11 is culminated in 2010, by the weak and feckless and frightened people of NYC who approve the construction of a Super Mosque mere blocks from their attack. A monument to a successful attack and the surrender of the infidel. Yes, they have already won.
Remember this cartoon? It was supposed to be a jab at conservatives who were worried about Obama's relationship with radicals. Seems a bit prescient now doesn't it?
They have won because we have a president that is a MUSLIM TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. While many are still banging the birth certificate drum, Barack Hussein Obama is using sleight of hand tricks to keep diverting this country’s attention to his real agenda of weakening America until it falls. Keep worrying about whether or not he’s eligible to be president. Here’s a news flash, HE ALREADY IS THE PRESIDENT. And if tomorrow, a birth certificate were to surface that proved that he was born in Unbuntu Africa, it wouldn’t matter a single bit. There wouldn’t be a blink in the chain of command. Because Obama has decreed that he is the man and you all better get in line.
Everything a liberal or a democrat tells you is a lie. I told you that before, do you believe me yet?
The oil spill in the gulf will be used to smokescreen other tricks that this government doesn’t want you to know about. You’ll believe it, you’ll buy it and they will pick your pocket, remove your wallet and your dignity and freedom and you’ll say “thank you very much”. Because YOU aren’t out in the street, knocking on your congressman’s door DEMANDING that they take this country back from these traitors.
You’ll say, “Yes, American citizens who commit acts of terror shouldn’t have Miranda Rights”, and you’ll be the government’s best friend. Because if they can get away with that, then you’re done completely... Once the foot is in the door. You’ll agree that American citizens who are living overseas and working with terrorist organizations should be allowed to be killed by covert operators. And the Administration will LOVE you for it. Kill every single terrorist you can find, and if they are Americans, they STILL NEED TO HAVE THEIR RIGHTS PROTECTED. Once you catch them, try them and find them guilty, then you execute them, but until then, you give them the rights that AMERICANS are due. If you allow these politicians to re-write the constitution, you will wake up one day to find that there IS NO CONSTITUTION.
You can all go back to sleep now, or you can decide that you don’t want America to be an also ran, has been once great nation.
NOVEMBER IS ONLY 6 months away. Don’t forget it.
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