Those "Extraordinary Muslims"
From Barack Obama President of the United States;
"Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.”
From Wikipedia
"Muslims in the United States have increasingly contributed to American culture; there are various Muslim comedy groups, rap groups, Scout troops and magazines, and Muslims have been vocal in other forms of media as well."
So the “Extraordinary contributions” distill down to Rap groups and comedy skits? I think that they left out Muslim exceptionalism when it comes to Urban renewal.
In a scant few hours, Muslim realtors (because we are forbidden to use the term ‘terrorists’ as it upsets them) managed to clear 16 plus acres of prime downtown Manhattan real estate for future construction. Even though it has been 10 years and NOTHING has been accomplished at the site due to red tape, bickering, collusion, graft and corruption as well as lethargy and an unwillingness to address the very real problems at the site, we have nothing to fear.
In another show of Muslim Exceptionalism, this time in their ability to ‘get things done’, we have the approval and Presidential Blessings for the construction of a 13 story Mosque and Islamic center. No doubt this building will be constructed in record time, (scheduled to be opened on September 11, 2011 EXACTLY 10 years to the day from the time the Muslims “Acquired” ground zero). I’m not going to mention all the controversy surrounding the mosque and its proximity the the crime scene where 3000 civilians were accidentally killed when Muslim pilots, who were inadequately trained by AMERICAN flight schools unwittingly flew into the two towers of the World Trade Center. (Hey, don’t get mad, I’m just writing what will be in your grandchildren’s textbooks in 20 years or so). The Spires of the Mega-Mosque will be gleaming in the sunlight, casting crescent shaped shadows on the empty landscape where the towers once stood. You wait and see..
So I guess that we ought to be very thankful for the contributions that Muslims have made to this great country. We wouldn’t be a global power without them, that’s as plain as the crescent on your mosque. And oh that Muslim rap! “I beg yo' padin, I’m Osama Bin Ladin, Infidels all must die”. Yes indeed, that’s classic! And Hold your sides when you go to those Muslim comedy revue’s “What’s Al Quaeda’s favorite football team? The New York Jets” Oh Puhleeze! You're KILLING ME! (Literally). Yep, we have a lot to be thankful for in the way Muslim’s have enriched our lives.
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