Saturday, November 24, 2012

4 More Years, or 8?

I’m too busy.

Forget about 4 more years, I don’t recognize this country NOW.

Hard to believe that these cute gals are working to destroy the country right?

I keep hearing people say “In 4 more years we won’t recognize this country". I have a flash for them, I don’t recognize it NOW. The society has taken a nose dive and (hold on to your hats here), I don’t blame Barack Obama. Far from being the cause of the decline of the United States as a world power, a cultural leader and a moral compass on planet earth, he is simply the end result of 100 years of ‘progressive activism and socialist/communist gameplan. Barack Obama is what you get when you throw away common sense, personal responsibility, moral beliefs, work ethic and regard for the truth. What else would you expect when there is a nearly 50/50 split in the United States with half of the citizenry believing that the government OWES them something and the other half screaming about intrusive government, draconian taxation, erosion of privacy and personal freedoms and accountability?

I don’t blame the liberals, they are DOING their job and doing it far better than any conservative, libertarian or republican could even think of doing. “WELL, conservatives are too busy WORKING and earning a living to get involved”. Ever hear that one? That’s answered with “WELL, if THAT’S the case, then you don’t have a thing to complain about. After all, it’s not important enough to take an HOUR out of your week to go pull a handle on a voting machine, or fill in the little circle on a ballot?” Please forgive me while I go over here in this corner and puke.

We conservatives must be too busy to call the networks and demand that they provide actual NEWS and not just the “party line” which they have been doing for about the last 50 years. How else could an administration so culpable, so responsible for hundreds of deaths of innocent citizens, both in this country and abroad (remember Fast and Furious?) be so completely protected and shielded by the press?

 We’re probably also too busy to call the networks and tell them that adding filth and perversion to our television fare isn’t what we want. Now before some of you think that I’m some prude or bible thumping evangelical, let me assure you that I’m not. I have my own personal issues with organized religion, and while I believe in God (which automatically makes me an enemy of the state), I’m not so keen on the “Sunday go to Meetin’” habit. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT (no pun intended), I’m really getting sick and tired of turning on a TV show to be bombarded with sexual situations that are beyond the pale. There used to be a form of writing that could inject sexuality via innuendo, or clever double entendre’s, but evidently, in the last 50 years or so, people have become so stupid (stupid, NOT Ignorant, please see my explanation of the two elsewhere) as to not be able to discern the joke unless it’s spelled out right there in front of them.( I'm purposely ignoring cartoon shows as they deserve a blog of their own).

I wish they (the networks) would let writers create a show that was bright and funny and didn’t need to dip into the gutter to be successful. Case in point, I really enjoyed the show “Two Broke Girls”. The premise is that a socialite loses her fortune when her father is sent to prison (of course, he’s an evil capitalist) and she’s forced to take an apartment with a wisecracking street smart girl who gets her a job in a local Brooklyn diner. So far so good. The plot lines are funny, but lately, I detect an ugliness that is creeping into the show and it just annoys me to no end. The formerly hip street smart girl is now revealed to be a slatternly, drug addicted, zero morals whore who is doing her best to convert the “naïve” and relatively innocent socialite to her immoral level. Counselling her to do “Anal” on a first date so as to keep the prospective boyfriend “interested”. Anal? Really? Prime time? 

Faux Gay Couple. Guy on left, Gay, Guy on Right, Not so much.

And why is it that on nearly ever single show on TV we have to have “the Gay Friend” or the “Gay Couple”. Always either cleverly wisecracking or woundedly sensitive or profoundly sage, the gay cast member is becoming a staple that seems to be necessary to complete cast requirements for any new show on the air. Sorry, I’m not a hipster, I don’t have 753 gay friends, I don’t think Elizabeth Taylor had 753 gay friends, I have a gay friend who doesn’t have 753 gay friends, so where are all these gay’s coming from, and how to they all get TV gigs? Well, and here’s a dark little secret, there AREN’T that many gays in Hollywood evidently, or at least not enough who can act. Proof? Well the TV show Modern Family sports a clever cast that features a gay couple played by one gay actor and one straight actor. I know, playing against your type is an acting challenge, but really, do you not have a single extra REAL gay actor to fill the role?? Evidenly not because  again, in a recent episode, guest star Ferris Bueller…er, Matthew Broderick played a gay fellow who gets mistakenly involved with the straight father (regular cast member) in what I am sure everyone at the script meeting thougth was a riotously funny scene.

So in all of Hollywood, they couldn’t find a REAL gay guy? NO, and because they aren’t concerned with gay rights, they’re concerned with pushing the gay agenda. What’s that? It’s the agenda that says “If you don’t Accept and Promote Gay and Lesbian and Transgender lifestyles, you are a hateful bigot and need to be shunned”. THAT’S the point. Personally, I don’t care if you’re gay or a lesbian (isn’t that the same thing?) or even if you think you’re in the wrong body. Just don’t push it into my face and we’ll all get along just fine. The minute you tell me I HAVE to accept this as normal, you lose me. The minute you promote this to all as the “way things are” you lose me. It’s NOT the way things are.  Gay Marriage? Another trick of the left. Do they really give a shit about gay rights? NO, not in the least. But what they DO care about is weakening the standards of organized religion so that “Anything goes”. Their arguments don’t hold an ounce of water, and idiot legislators aren’t any help either. What would it cost to allow ANYONE to appoint ANYONE the keeper of their destiny should they become ill or incapacitated? Nothing. What would it cost to allow ANYONE to appoint ANYONE beneficiary of their insurance, their pension or social security benefits or other financial responsibility? NOTHING. I should be able to assign my benefits to whomever I please and the government should simply STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS. But it’s not that, it’s the institutions that ‘need to be torn down’ and if you think I’m overreacting or being paranoid, then you just haven’t been paying attention.

Snazzy Poster. Notice the work "PROGRESS" Sound Familiar?

The moral decay, the lessening of standards, the normalization of the abnormal are all parts to a puzzle that has been on the table for 5 generations. If you can desensitize the population to things that are positive and good, and healthy and normal, and get them to accept the opposite as the new paradigm, then you can ultimately control them and turn them into slaves. We’re heading there on the Autobahn, no speed limits now, nothing in our way. The ones who matter are all “too busy”.

Wait for the third term. Think I'm kidding? Ask this fellow;
Wendell Wilkie knows all about 3rd terms

Well sleep tight and get back to work.