Fear in the print industry
So we get this "CHANGE" president who promises the world on a plate and within minutes of his inauguration begins changing things alright. Changes like reducing your rights, increasing your taxes, manipulating private commerce, building an enemies list that would have made Nixon blush. Change huh?
So now, if you're a member of the military, you're a suspect. If you own a pickup truck, you're a suspect. This should come as no surprise to all those people who are out there "clinging to their bibles and guns". So Mussolin....er, Obama is vowing to get the trains to run on time and the automakers to build "green" cars that we all will line up for (like dutiful little drones). He's murmuring about a mandatory volunteer corps (C'mon, you HAVE to love that term!) Will we all be issued brown shirts? And every day, another new surprise.
So in honor of our new dictator...uhhh, president... I crafted the following sticker. I thought it would be nice to have the "chattering class" have a nice symbol of where America is today. I sent the design off to several printers and was told "We don't want to print that". I asked why and got varying responses such as "We're too busy" ( This from a printer who had pestered me for months about giving him some work) to the more honest answer of "You gotta be crazy if you think I'm putting my ass on the line printing that!"
WOW! Screw the 1st amendment, this administration has sent a clear signal that dissent will NOT BE TOLERATED. Sure, go ahead and print it and see how long it takes for the eye of government to swing around your way..
Gee whiz! I'm starting to sound like those "conspiracy nuts". Only thing is that there's no conspiracy here, this is and has been the plan of the left for decades. They finally got their wish.
Well, I know you're all holding your breath in eager anticipation so without further ado, I'll present the offending image. Please cover the children's eyes;
Yes, I know, seditious...
So I thought, "Well, maybe it's too over the top. I'll tone it down a bit".
They didn't like this one either;
So now, if you're a member of the military, you're a suspect. If you own a pickup truck, you're a suspect. This should come as no surprise to all those people who are out there "clinging to their bibles and guns". So Mussolin....er, Obama is vowing to get the trains to run on time and the automakers to build "green" cars that we all will line up for (like dutiful little drones). He's murmuring about a mandatory volunteer corps (C'mon, you HAVE to love that term!) Will we all be issued brown shirts? And every day, another new surprise.
So in honor of our new dictator...uhhh, president... I crafted the following sticker. I thought it would be nice to have the "chattering class" have a nice symbol of where America is today. I sent the design off to several printers and was told "We don't want to print that". I asked why and got varying responses such as "We're too busy" ( This from a printer who had pestered me for months about giving him some work) to the more honest answer of "You gotta be crazy if you think I'm putting my ass on the line printing that!"
WOW! Screw the 1st amendment, this administration has sent a clear signal that dissent will NOT BE TOLERATED. Sure, go ahead and print it and see how long it takes for the eye of government to swing around your way..
Gee whiz! I'm starting to sound like those "conspiracy nuts". Only thing is that there's no conspiracy here, this is and has been the plan of the left for decades. They finally got their wish.
Well, I know you're all holding your breath in eager anticipation so without further ado, I'll present the offending image. Please cover the children's eyes;
Yes, I know, seditious...
So I thought, "Well, maybe it's too over the top. I'll tone it down a bit".
They didn't like this one either;