Welcome to Armageddon Part 1
To the left, you will see a photo of Atomic Test "Badger", a 23 Kiloton Tower shot in the Nevada desert April 18, 1953. I was 2 years old and we shot off A-Bombs within sniffing distance of Las Vegas. 23 Kilotons was slightly larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima (15 kiloton) and Nagasaki (22 Kiloton). I point this out so that you can have a point of reference when we speak of nuclear weapons in the MEGA-TON Range.
So the Iranians have a huge nuclear facility that just magically surfaced and now Pretend President Barack Hussein Obama acts all surprised and gives those naughty Iranians a real tongue lashing. He promises that he’s going to have a talk with them, and then if they don’t behave, he MIGHT get angry, and he MIGHT just do something that won’t be fun and he MIGHT scold them or even worse, not talk to them anymore.
Just in case you thinkthat Iran has only just begun to work on Nukes, I would like to draw your attention to this little advertisement from the 1970's;
So in case you have a hard time with numbers, Iran has been working on Nuclear Weapons for over 35 years. Oh yeah, and MOST of their scientists were educated ....you fill in the blank.
This man (Obama) is a complete coward, an America basher and an avowed appeaser. Shades of Neville Chamberlain! He spent his entire 144 day political career wanting to be President and low and behold, he got it! This alone should have been the clarion call to the nation that we had lost our collective minds, but regardless, he won the presidency and then found that it was a REAL job. A job that he was totally unprepared to take on, and completely unqualified to hold. But this is America in the 21st century where posers, criminals, child molesters and worse are held in high esteem and also placed in high office. (Another sign that we as a nation have fallen very far off the path.)
French President Sarkozy gave a pretty solid speech telling the assembled countries that Iran’s dangerous foray into nuclear weapons development (and this facility of theirs is completely dedicated to construction nuclear weapons, make no mistake about that) would not be tolerated. Imagine that, a French President taking the moral lead and making the American president look like the buffoon that he is. Sign three that America isn’t what it used to be by a long shot.
Barack Hussein Obama is a fraud. He hasn’t the experience to be a leader of anything more than a street gang on Chicago’s South Side. He has no sense of foreign policy, no ability to articulate a strong U.S. position (nor does he have the DESIRE to articulate a strong U.S. position) on any subject that has serious implications for the security and sovereignty of this country. In short, he is a Quisling and a traitor (same thing) collaborating with America’s enemies and damning her allies. Israel has been thrown to the wolves and cannot rely on this president to “have her back” in a confrontation. Idiots like Zibgnew Brzezinski recommend that the U.S. shoot down Israeli Jets should the state be so arrogant as to launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Dangerous idiots like President Obama do not reject such madness outright. What do you think the Israeli’s are thinking?
The most un-presidential president in U.S. history snuggles up with madmen, killers, terrorists and thugs and kicks our good solid allies in the teeth. His poll number drop like hot rocks and his people claim ‘racism’ as the cause.
It’s NOT racism.
Americans of all stripes are coming out of their lethargy to proclaim that
What we DO want is an honest government (too late)
What we DO want is a capable President (too late)
What we DO want is a leader, not a capitulator (too late)
What we DO want is a leader who understands that American Exceptionalism isn’t simply a chauvinistic phrase, but a REAL WORLD FACT OF LIFE.
Don’t make me list all the incredible accomplishments that American has brought into the world.
Don’t ask me to delineate all the aid, comfort and protection that America has generously supplied to anyone who needed it in the last 200+ years. Don’t ask me to rehash all the wars that America WON for oppressed people. Don’t make me calculate all the people that America liberated and saved from tyrants and killers. Don’t make me count the TRILLIONS of dollars in aid that America has given to countries that don’t even like us (except the money part).
And this pathetic excuse for a man can’t come out and say ONE SINGLE THING positive about America? That is the fourth sign that we as a country are in dire need of a housecleaning.
It may not come to that. This amoeba in the White House hasn’t the courage to stand up to the enemies of freedom and civilization. He can’t bring himself to use the work “Victory” because it implies that there was a loser (like the one occupying the President’s Seat). He can’t denounce a country that is run by a madman ‘true believer’ Islamic Radical who believes that the Holocaust was a figment of some Jew’s imaginations and that Islam MUST conquer the earth and ALL the infidel’s must be slaughtered in the name of Allah. Obama can’t muster enough spine to confront evil because he himself is evil. Not perhaps in the same way that an Ahmadinejad is evil, but evil in the sense that he has betrayed his country time and time again. His is an evil of cowardice, malfeasance and betrayal. An evil of narcissism and megalomania. His is an evil of “everyone must worship me” petulance.
The world usually eats the weak, just like nature. For such strong believers in Darwinism, the radical liberal establishment doesn’t seem to understand that when it comes to themselves. They hypnotize themselves into believing that they are strong, but it’s the confidence of the scared child cowering under the covers and thinking to himself how brave he’d be some other time.
The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Much fuss has been made about this being the ‘end of the world’. Personally, I’ve lived through a lot of “end of the world’ scenario’s so I don’t’ put a lot of credence into such claims. But 2012 is also the last year of the first term of this empty suit called Obama. He will have had four years to wreak havoc on America and the rest of the free world.
Maybe the Mayan’s were right.