Two rules that you need to know.
Everything that a liberal tells you is a lie. Everything from the left is wrong. If you remember those two truism’s, you will never get fooled.
Global warming isn’t REAL? SHOCKING!
So now that the cat is out of the bag so to speak, and the conspiracy to defraud an entire planet has been exposed, what will the consequences be? Well, if you’re a liberal, democrat, environmentalist, Marxist, communist, or other deceitful denizen of the left then you will simply carry on as if nothing has changed. You will blame the Right Wing Conspiracy, Big Oil, Big Business, Tea party participants (to whom they applied the revolting sexual term “tea baggers”, how classy), Science Deniers, Rush Limbaugh and anyone with an AM radio that isn’t tuned to Air America for “lying” about the data.
This of course, is a huge hoot as “lying about the data” is what these crafty thieves have been doing for nearly 40 years. Back when “Earth Day” first came along in 1970 (begun by the way by a murderer.. how caring), all the hippies were out on the highways picking up the trash and singing happily knowing that they were doing their part to “save the planet”. Fine, hippies didn’t hold down jobs so anything that got them to do something productive was, in my book, a good thing. To that end, I clearly recall throwing a cigarette pack out the window onto the highway so those hippies would have something to pick up. Always happy to do my part.
Somewhere between then and now, liberals figured out that they could parlay this Earth Day crap into a profitable, no HUGELY PROFITABLE scam that would milk BILLIONS of dollars out of ordinary folks like you and me. Over the decades they have gone from bumper stickers and tye-dyed t-shirts to private jets, paid speaking engagements, phony doomsday movies, worthless Academy Awards and fraudulent Nobel Prizes (another subject altogether) and claims that “The Debate is Over”. Well, it is now. There is no more debate, the proof has been uncovered of a 40 year long conspiracy to cover up facts, data and studies that completely contradicted the “Science of Global Warming”. Every single proponent has been shown now to be a liar and a fraud. There’s no easy way around this. You can’t claim “I didn’t know”, or, “I was duped”. NO, YOU KNEW, and you PLANNED IT THAT WAY. You did so to enrich yourself, enslave those less fortunate and cast a burden on honest hard working people the world over to pay for your lavish lifestyles, your fake studies, your state of the art laboratories, your lying Hollywood productions and your own enormous ego’s. Well the game is over and we all know what we all knew. But sadly, I have the nauseating feeling that it won’t matter one little bit. For if there is one thing that Liberals are good at, it’s ignoring facts, smearing truth and continuing on with their schemes to divest you of your cash and fatten the coffers of their own special projects all the while telling you how much they CARE.
So let’s see, here we have Nancy Pelosi. A woman who believes that “Health care reform” is so needed that you’ll go to jail if you don’t get some right away. Looking at the best photo I ever saw of her, I can only say that if there aren’t 15 or 20 personalities lurking behind those eyes, I want my money back from that abnormal psych course I paid for. Would you let her watch your kids? You don’t even have to use Photoshop’s Liquify tool to make her weirder than she looks in real life. Anthony Perkins may have studied her to get into his role as Norman Bates.
Harry Reid, Shown here with his response to “but what if the people don’t want your expensive plan?” If this man isn’t the doppelganger of Joe Kennedy (You remember, Joe Kennedy right? The guy who was so palsy-walsy with the Nazi’s back in WWII? You know…Teddy’s Dad) I’ll trade in my 3D glasses for a bottle of oxycontin. His creepy embrace of those who he bribed to vote to “continue the debate” was a skin crawling moment that even some hardened democrats had a hard time not recoiling from. Here is a man who simply does not know how to speak the truth. I am sure that if a single true word were ever to escape his lips, he would immediately burst into flames and be consumed on the spot.
Al Gore. ( I couldn’t put up another photo of him, I really couldn’t). What can you say about the grand dame of the environmental movement? Here’s an angry hillbilly (and apologies to REAL hillbillies) who never did an honest day’s work in his life. Took huge benefits from the tobacco industry only to backstab them on the way up (in true liberal fashion), and ultimately, after his failed attempt to steal the 2000 election (yes boys and girls, it was “Them” who tried to be the vote riggers) found his goldmine in becoming the environmental giant that he is today. Never mind his house that consumes over 20 times the national average (read it again, it’s not a typo, 20X the national average) is never called into question. He’s too busy “SAVING” us to worry about some trivial energy usage...
Here you go; The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore environmental black hole sucked up nearly 221,000 kWh.You do the math. And he wants to make YOU be more “green”. I’m green alright, but it’s from my stomach wanting to void its contents all over his shiny black shoes.
Take a look at any of the current crop of politicians who claim that they just want to ‘fix what’s wrong’ and if you open even one eye halfway, you must come to the conclusion that scoundrels and bagmen are the norm inside the beltway and we are no longer represented by anyone who remotely understand their mandate. As a matter of fact, the new mandate is pound them as hard as you can for as long as you can and when they bleed and cry for help, tell them that they are selfish and need to do more. Having a hard time sitting down lately? It’s all that stuff that the congress and senate are trying to ram up your nether regions.the trio above are but three of many who have sold this country and its citizens for wealth and power and the rest of America be damned.
Just to put the period on our friend the mighty Gore, here is a snippet that I’ll bet you never read anywhere at anytime;
Describing Al Gore’s house
A 20 room mansion ( not including 8 bathrooms ) heated by
natural gas. Add on a pool ( and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.
Describing George Bush’s House;
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every ‘green’ feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.
So even though Global Warming is so much manure, The HATED George Bush is more of an environmentally conscientious individual that the blowhard Gore by several orders of magnitude.
Why isn't that common knowledge?
Remember, Everything that a Liberal Tells You is a LIE.