Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 The year of Stupid

It’s almost physically painful to even write anything about what’s going on in America today. Of course the world itself is in an undeniable quagmire of stupidity, but on the homefront, it appears that we sink to new lows each day. As a matter of fact, every time I think that it can’t possibly get worse, some politician, or ‘scientist’ or ‘journalist’ comes out and says something to reinforce the notion that having a brain is something to be reviled in the 21st century.

From the top down, it’s clear that intellect is not a requirement to hold power in America. The president is a complete imbecile, unable to string any coherent thought together without the ubiquitous tele-prompter there to guide him and put the words of some lackey speechwriter into his mouth. He is so completely feckless that it becomes a drudgery to even write anything about him. Dullard, Fraud Pawn, Puppet, all are apt descriptions of the poser in chief. Turning a blind eye to his failing presidency and his abysmal approval ratings, he and his minions still fall back on the “It’s Bush’s Fault” soliloquy that may have been effective back in August of ’08, but smells too close to day old fish here over a year later. At what point do you take responsibility for the nation? Oh that’s right, Never if you can get away with it.

Then we have the democrat party itself. A once proud and effective political party, reduced to a group of catcallers, bagmen, thieves and liars who are hell bent on changing this country into some sort of socialist paradise where them’s that got, will give until they become them’s that get. Margaret Thatcher said it best, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” But these new dems don’t worry about such mundane things like running the country into bankruptcy. If it all falls down and we bring back the soup lines and destroy the economy to Pre-1930 levels, we know that we can point to George Bush’s Presidency and declare that it was HIS policies that brought us here.

The Kennedy Seat

They talk about “Kennedy’s Seat” in congress up in Massachusetts, showing once again their utter disregard for the constitution and the people at large..NEWS FLASH – IT’S NOT KENNEDY’S SEAT, it belongs to the PEOPLE of Massachusetts. But let’s not let a little thing like truth get in the way of a good slogan. the arrogance and stupidity of people who have become so out of phase that they actually BELIEVE that they OWN the Senate Seat! Astounding if it weren't so vile.

***JUST IN*** In an amazing display of common sense, the people of Massachusetts cast their ballots for Republican candidate Scott Brown upsetting the widely hoped victory for Croxley. Well it's not "Kennedy's Seat" anymore now is it? When you have aas liberal a state as Massachusetts vote to place a republican in as "hallowed" a seat as that which had been held by Ted Kennedy for so many decades, it tells you in no uncertain terms just HOW angry REAL Americans are at the direction this wayward congress and Adminstration has taken. November should be interesting...

They bash Sarah Palin at every turn, saying what a dunderhead she is. What a lightweight. Yet when liberal talker Mika Brezinski (daughter of that other great thinker Zbignew Brezinski) mocks Palin on her choice of George Washington as her favorite founder, Brezinski says “let me process that for a minute..” and then proceeds to offer HER choice for favorite founder…Abraham Lincoln….Yes, you remember baby Lincoln signing the Declaration of Independence with his tiny footprint don’t you? Even though they had to wait 33 years for the child to be born. You remember that from school right? (Hey Obama thought there were 57 states, why can't we believe in 57 signers of the Declaration of Independence?)

Abe Lincoln - 57th signer of the Declaration of Independence

And this woman makes a great living. So all those teachers that told you that if you were a dummy you’d never have a good job were lying to you. They didn’t count on the democrats becoming the party of idiots that they are today.

If you exhibit the slightest bit of intelligence it is as if you have cut your leg in a pool of Zambezi sharks (known to be even MORE fearsome than the Legendary Great White). No Brains Allowed is the sign that is going to be erected as you enter Washington D.C. and they will soon replace the sign on the statue of liberty to read “Bring Everyone, Immediate Seating, No Passport Necessary” because we need to be “inclusive”.
The facts of history get rewritten in order to fit the new world view. The U.S. has been an oppressor for years and therefore we need to pay reparations to anyone who has a beef with us. After all, they MUST be right. So Says the Moron in the Whitehouse and his idiot advisors.

Our Homeland Security hag seems to think that all is well in Jellystone Park, while those crafty Yogi’s are running around stealing all the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. But don’t fear because the “SYSTEM WORKS”. If there was a prize for stupidity, Napolitano would have a lock on it.

We’re in the process of trying a Pakistani woman here in NEW YORK. She is accused of planning chemical attacks on New York Landmarks. She is in Civilian Court. She sits at her defense table in a full Hijab.  Covered from head to toe. Unmistakably dictating the course of her own appearance. We can’t be insensitive to her cultural norms. Just wait until the sheiks are put on trial.

A guy goes through the wrong door at JFK and they shut down the whole airport for hours. Another guy lifts up the velvet rope (notice how we spare no expense on our security measures?) to walk with his girlfriend to her flight and Newark gets closed for 6+ hours. Both are ‘captured’ and now face up to 7 years in prison (they won’t do any time, but it’ll cost them 50K to defend themselves from this idiot government. Before we got so jumpy about these terrorists (whom we won’t dare to offend) if you went through the wrong door at the airport they just said “Hey Stupid, you can’t go that way!” Now they use it as an excuse to garner overtime for the TSA wonks who weren’t manning their posts in the first place. There is no interest in REALLY protecting us from threats, just plenty of busy work for those incompetents in Homeland security, TSA and other governmental bureaus that have been created since 9/11 ostensibly to protect, but in reality to suck resources and cash from the American taxpayer so that the idiots and stupid people in Washington can tell all the stupid constituents what a damn good job they’re doing to protect us all.

Don’t’ even get me started again on the Global Warming Lies and Stupidity. If this was the construct of a Republican or Conservative, we’d be hauling them up in front of firing squads for their crimes. But because it’s a LIBERAL agenda designed completely to bankrupt our society and all other functioning societies in order to bring a “balance” to the world, not to mention to line the pockets of the doomsayers, it gets a pass even when it’s revealed that it’s all lies and fabrication.

Watch how stupid 2010 becomes. If there’s any hope for the world (because if the United States Fails, the whole world will go with it, you can bring that right to the bank), we’ll have to wait until November to see if enough Americans have awakened to the site of their country being raped by liberal and cultural hegemony and do something at the polls to reverse the trend and disinfect the putrefaction that is rampant in this current administration and legislature. Time will tell, but I’m hiding my encyclopedia’s anyway.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Revelation 2010

Now I’ve only just scratched the surface here of things we can look forward to, but I know that you’ll all come up with your own wonderful ideas for our new “era”. So here for your enjoyment and comfort, I present my view of the coming year;

It’s the New Year and we can all relax. With the New Year comes the hope and faith that all will be right with the world. Obama will prove to be the actual messiah and save humanity from the evils of capitalism, freedom, self determination and all the other woes that currently befall mankind.

Our elected officials will renounce pork, (as we evolve into a more Muslim Centric nation) and sweep away the centuries of backroom deals, pandering to special interests and flim-flamming the American people. They will concentrate on projects that will reduce spending, deficits and the homeless while strengthening the dollar and lowering taxes on all levels of endeavor.

Iran will get their nuclear facilities online and create a huge power grid throughout the Mideast that will provide power light and water to formerly arid areas of the region. They will supply Israel with huge quantities of Nuclear power to reduce Israel’s dependence on imported oil.

U.S. Corporations will end the practice of “Outsourcing” and begin a program of rebuilding the infrastructure of American Manufacturing in large part due to Obama’s embracing of tax relief for Big Business. Being controlled wholly by the government, they will no longer be able to make ‘mistakes’.

Universities will begin to teach history without any revisionist addition, science courses will be based on science rather than political views, economist’s will focus on the true driving forces in the marketplace and Campus’ will encourage differing political views and speech in the halls of academia.

CORE and the NAACP will embrace and absorb the Aryan Nation and the Skinheads and a new era in race relations will come to pass. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will Star on Broadway in a revival of “Raisin in the Sun” opening to rave reviews.

Global warming will be solved in mid 2010 buy the discovery that by allowing Al Gore to INCREASE his carbon footprint exponentially, his energy usage will have a “reverse effect” on the climate and bring energy and climate into line. American families will only have to pay 57% of their income to Mr. Gore in order for him to maintain his helpful lifestyle. THIS IS NOT A TAX! It is simply our OBLIGATION to our planet to keep things running smoothly.

George Bush will be tried as a war criminal in Baghdad and found guilty as homage to Ted Kennedy’s memory. All references to him in school books will expose him for the very bad man that he was.

A statue of Ted Kennedy will be erected in Washington, paid for by the funds obtained from the fines paid by the family of Mary Jo Kopechne for having such a weak lung’d daughter.

Religion will be abolished as it interferes too much with Messiah Obama’s world view. All religion save for Islam will no longer be tolerated as it is antithetical to the sensibilities of Islamic thinking. The United States will NOT embarrass itself by allowing Islam or and feature of it to be made uncomfortable.

As we are now living in a safe and secure society, all privately owned firearms will of necessity, be turned in to the appropriate Governmental agency, something along the lines of the “National Social Democratic Party” or NSDP for short.(Not to be confused with the NSDP – Nevada State Democratic Party….seriously, Google it). The excuse that firearms are needed for hunting and protection will fall on deaf ears because under Messiah Obama, all crime will have been eliminated through decriminalization and all food needs will be handled by the Bureau of Obesity.

The military will be defunded and all prior funding will be rechanneled to the Democrat Party in thanks for their part in bringing Messiah Obama to our attention. Police departments won’t have a whole lot to do because Messiah Obama will decriminalize any aberrant behavior that was formerly considered to be unlawful. By doing this, his spokespeople will be able to point to the plunging crime statistics.

Border security will be a thing of the past when Messiah Obama opens the northern and southern borders to all in a literal interpretation of the “bring me your tired and weak” inscription on the Statue of Liberty (now renamed the “Beckoning Obama Mother Figure”). In this way, we as a nation will have ‘matured’ and be worthy of “Global Citizenship”. Of course we will still have to pay reparations to all those cultures that we once oppressed and dominated by using our military to interfere in their internal ‘disagreements’ and using our Food relief programs to insinuate that our system was better than theirs.

Opponents of Messiah Obama will be gently re-educated to come to an understanding about diversity and to remove the racist leanings that caused them to fall on the wrong side of history and speak ill of a leader who only wants everyone to see things properly. They will pay for this education from their own earnings and by selling their possessions in order to appreciate how THEIR system of government led to such misery in the world. It’s only right and proper.

The UN will be the formulative body for all laws and disputes, but their power will of course, be subject to final approval by Messiah Obama.


Get ready, cause it’s coming….

And you thought I could only be negative!