I get constant email from my elected representatives telling me that they "want to hear" from their constituents. So, being a good American, I write to them, letters like this:
On the subject of Closing down one of the most popular beaches on Long Island;Dear Representative McDonough, Hannon, King:
We have stood by and watched corrupt greedy politicians render this country virtually bankrupt. Sure, they will blame the vagaries of Wall Street and greedy investors, but ultimately, they were the foxes watching the hen house and they did what foxes do.
So now we are told that we need to be more frugal, learn to do more with less while TRILLIONS of dollars are being doled out to the very entities that caused the problem in the first place. I need not comment on the fact that no one in the current administration seems to have the wisdom to know that you don’t RAISE TAXES when people are struggling. Of course the liberal agenda doesn’t care one iota about the regular middle class and simply looks to feather their nests and line their pockets with the hard work of taxpayers so that they can appeal to their special interests . All the while, we have been silent and simply gone about our business working, paying taxes ad nauseam.
People have lost their retirements, their savings and the value of their homes because of mismanagement and outright theft. Of course MY house is still worth $366,000 according to county officials who refuse to acknowledge that an original Levitt built Cape with NO IMPROVEMENTS isn’t worth $366,000 on the best day of the world.
No, that would impinge on their abilities to tax me into paralysis. Why give up a good cash cow like a homeowner? Forget that the houses in my neighborhood have sold this year for as little as $150,000. One even as low as $50,000, but I’m not foolish enough to consider that a representative price. The fact is that houses such as mine, with MORE improvements than I have, average out for $250,000. For some reason, my Taj Mahal is assessed over $100,000 higher. Perhaps it’s because of my sterling personality or my fame that would increase the vanity value of my home…
And now I see that due to “LACK OF FUNDS” the beach will be closing some fields and bathhouses this coming summer. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but opening WEST END and the Bathhouse would GENERATE revenue far in excess of any operating costs involved. But once again, politicians and administrative flunkies have decided that closing down a GUARANTEED REVENUE PRODUCING entity is the fiscally responsible course of action. They managed to keep the WEST END open throughout the winter, but having a beach open in the SUMMERTIME seems to be a concept that they cannot fathom.
Can you please tell me from what mushroom farm these imbeciles are grown ? I am assaulted daily here in Nassau county with onerous taxes, incompetent county executives, impotent supervisors and a host of characters from an Ibsen play. My one shining point of light, my single enjoyable activity is jetting away to exotic locals on a private jet, but due to the financial downturn a carefree walk on the beach or a splash in the pool has to suffice. Now I am told that this too will fall victim to the “financial crisis” that is upon us.
Congressman King, you know this is so much bunkum, or more appropriately, due to the proximity of the ocean, bilge. If the executives running the state park system are so completely devoid of operating and management expertise, perhaps we should put them out with a stick and nail and a nice plastic bag and set them to a job more appropriate to their skill level and get someone who can actually count to 21 without the need to remove any clothing to watch the finances.
We really need you to intervene and get this proposed closing of a valuable Long Island Icon to be reversed.
Thank you for your time. I would appreciate a response.
Final result? NO ANSWER, NO RESPONSE.Sent to Representative Dave McDonough, Kemp Hannon, and Congressman Peter King. All far too busy to respond.Okay, maybe Beach closings aren't interesting enough to get the attention of a state representative. How about This letter asking a simple question of my Congressman Peter King;Dear Congressman King:
I am imploring you to stand up and be a voice in the wilderness to help to change the direction that his country is heading. In less than 6 months I barely recognize the country that I love. The silent coup that has befallen America is tragic and frightening. This administration has bulldozed the constitution, forced its will on the people and with a compliant and complicit press has altered the basic fabric of the American Society. Dissent is met with overwhelming retribution; independent inspectors are forced out of their jobs if they have the temerity to question the associations or actions of “protected” political cronies. NO one seems bothered by the administration becoming involved in areas where it has no business and there appears to be no one with the will or political power to oppose them.
It is time for every single American Citizen to STOP permitting our constitutional rights and liberties from being taken away by a government that has not the slightest idea of WHY they are in power.
We did not elect them to line their pocket with money that they STEAL from the taxpayers.
We did not elect them to CONTROL our lives under the guise of “protecting” us.
We did not elect them to place themselves ABOVE the law and create a ruling class.
When are we going to have even the SLIGHTEST bit of honesty in our government? Have they been lying to the American people for so long that they actually believe that they are telling the truth? I seriously doubt it. There is one thing that I know and that is that a liar ALWAYS knows when they are lying. Forget the psychobabble from the “experts” who would disagree, the average American knows when they are being fed a line of crap. And we have been fed crap for so long that it is hard to remember when we WEREN’T being hosed.
Al Gore is a fraud. Al Gore is a charlatan; Al Gore is a manipulative con man who cares only about maintaining his power and lining his pockets from his criminal “Global Warming” enterprise. Follow the money. Gore is a Coward as well. He refuses to debate those with the credentials to dispute his fantasy of manmade climate change because he knows that he will be seen as the fake con artist that he really is. And despite that, he has incredible support from those in government who are eager to hitch their political train to his coattails because they KNOW that there is a lot of money to be made by being one of Gore’s acolytes. They understand that there is power to control the people by creating crisis that can only be averted by MORE MONEY, MORE TAXES, MORE INTRUSION into our day to day lives.
Our current administration has spent this country into bankruptcy. They have destroyed generations yet unborn with their pathological and wanton need to “be in control”. They haven’t been in power for 6 months yet and the majority of people I speak to are terrified of their next move. There is an old saying that “the first person who brings up Hitler in an argument loses”. Sorry, can NO one see parallels? There is another old saying “those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it”. I think I’ll choose the latter. They claim that they “don’t want to run this company or that, but they sure have no problem firing executives, orchestrating pay caps, appointing people with NO EXPERIENCE to top positions and generally intruding into private sector business when the reality is that there are the LEAST capable and LEAST competent individuals to do so.
Our founding fathers KNEW that government was a necessary evil. They were so concerned that they set down a set of rules and rights in order to insure that the government would never be able to become a tyranny. That constitution is nothing more than an elegant remnant of history when it is allowed to be trampled, modified, ‘evolved’ in such a way that people lose rights and government becomes MORE powerful.
The United States USED to be the beacon of the world. It was the shining star, a haven for those who were oppressed, brutalized, beaten and terrorized. We reached across the globe ALWAYS defending those who had no power or voice. Today, we are well on the way to becoming a third rate country of fragmented, fractionalized, frightened people, so cowed by our government that we do not speak out lest we be branded as the ‘enemy’ and subject to the draconian measure of an out of control administration.
Our judges are corrupt, our lawmakers are somnambulant drones who only parrot the party line, our police forces are ignorant of the most basic of laws, happy to be paramilitarized in the wake of 9/11 and the decade of terror. Our Military has been neutered by lawyers who think that the battlefield is a city park where muggers need to be Mirandize. Soldiers in combat fear pulling the trigger and being prosecuted by overzealous political hacks who want nothing more than to get their names in the papers, and on the TV so that they can pontificate about the deplorable conduct of the only TRUE HERO’S that America still has. We have come to the ridiculous point in our history where we send the FBI to investigate war zones. The attempt to redefine warfare as a criminal problem has the rest of the world laughing out loud, and rejoicing at the demise of the greatest nation ever conceived in history.
The enemies of America are overjoyed with the state of America because although they may live in caves, be fanatical about their religion, their politics, their culture, they are NOT ignorant goatherds. They are BRILLIANT in their ability to use the ineffectuality and cowardice of the AMERICAN Government to their advantage. We have made it a CRIME to make a terrorist uncomfortable. We have a president who is so enamored of his own voice that he makes pronouncements without the slightest knowledge of what he is speaking about. The most advanced prison in the world is closed because it might engender “bad feelings” about America and the treatment of enemy combatants. Military snipers need to go through a litany of communications with command before they are allowed to pull the trigger. Does no one see the absolute insanity of our policies? Is there not ONE SINGLE Senator or Congressman who can stand up and say “ENOUGH”?
Americans are lazy by nature or so the government believes. They are too stupid and fat and comfortable to make any serious move against the status quo. But I submit that we are not lazy, or stupid. We are thoughtful and measured, but once we have awakened from our sleep, we are the most powerful force on earth and have no compunctions about changing that which needs to be changed. I still cling to that belief, but it is harder every day to keep that faith when I see those who would DESTROY America sitting in the seats of power and ruling by fiat rather than the will of the people.
Again, I am asking that you gather together as many good and honest allies that you may find to help preserve the America that We the People have defended and fought for since its inception.
Once again, complete silence from the other end. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. I think that I may need to learn how to write better letters. Obviously, I'm not being clear enough in what I say.